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Old 01-10-2017, 01:19 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by baby916 View Post
This looks fun!

Can anybody please roll for me?

If you need to be up before the time rolled (Say for work, college etc.) then default to that.

3 - 6am

Morning Exercise - Time:
If you roll a time for before you're due to get up, do the exercise immediately on waking up. If you roll later than when you need to leave for work/college, then do it before leaving.

6 - 9am

Morning Exercise - Clothing:

1 - Basic bra and panties

Morning Exercise - Location:

3 - Back garden

Morning Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.

5 - 15 Minutes light stretching

Breakfast - Food:
You will always eat breakfast before showering, however whether you eat before or after your workout is up to you (being sure to keep to times rolled). Remembering your dress will be either your sleep attire (if before workout) or your workout attire (if after).

5 - Plain toast

Breakfast - Drink:

2 - Flavoured Juice

Breakfast - How to eat:

1 - Sit at the table

Obviously, if you're one of the few with no shower, replace this with bath.

6 - No shower, and you must tease yourself for 15 minutes instead, then use your hand to cover your face in your pussy juice/pre-cum.


6 - Your choice

Clothing - Underwear:

5 - Crotch rope and Rope bra (basically bind your tits at the base, and join them with rope going behind your neck to lift them up, if you cannot do this, wear nothing)

Clothing - Top:

3 - Boob tube

Clothing - Bottoms

2 - Shorts

Clothing - Feet:

1 - Bare

Hair Style:

4 - pony tail

Time with friends:

3 - 1 hour 30 minutes

Time outside of the house:
This does not include work/college or similar, nor any tasks that require leaving the house. This is purely for any free time you may have.

6 - None

Time allowed using electronics:
Such as TV, Phone, Computer etc. This obviously counts for free time, so using it for actual work/college work, or to speak to your Master/Mistress won't count. But time browsing GetDare and other sites would.

3 - 1 hour 30 minutes

Toilet - How often:

3 - Three times

Toilet - How you go:

3 - Toilet as normal

Tasks - How many:
Note: Tasks must be done in the order rolled, this means if you roll an exhibitionist roll early, then tough, you are doing it early. You don't get to change the order of them.

Also keep an eye on your time, failure to complete all rolled tasks results in a requirement of completing the dare again the following day regardless of your previous roll.

As before, if a task exceeds your limits you may re-roll at the cost of rolling on the punishment list at the end.

4 - 4 Tasks

Tasks - Which to do
As said earlier, for each task roll here, then n the specific table, then return here to find out which table to roll on next.

4-6 - "Accidentally" spill a drink down your top. If anyone offers to help you clean up, let them take over the cleaning. If they offer a fresh top, swap into it right there.

3-6 - Clean windows

5-5 - 30 minutes or masturbation to hentai porn

3-2 - Clean all dirty dishes and clean kitchen

If you had a task that had the option of cumming, roll here

3 - No orgasm

Lunch - Food:

2 - Sandwich

Lunch - Drink:

5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)

Lunch - How to eat:

1 - Sit at the table

Dinner - Food:

5 - Soup

Dinner - Drink:

5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)
Dinner - How to eat:

3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed

Evening Exercise - Time:
if you finish work/school after any of these times, do it immediately upon leaving/arriving home. Your clothing for this remains until you go to bed.

2 - 6pm

Evening Exercise - Clothing:

3 - Panties only

Evening Exercise - Location:

1 - Living room with curtains open

Evening Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.

1 - 30 minutes jogging (on the spot or a proper jog, up to you)

Bed - Time:

1 - 10pm

Bed - Clothing:

3 - Bra and panties

Bed - Where:

1 - Bed

Are you free?
You roll this at the end of any period of doing the dare. So you roll on your first day and see if you're free. If not, you complete it the amount it says (say 5 days), then re-roll at the end. You're only free when you roll a 5 or 6.

5 - Yes, you are free


I love how your food is fine, albeit plain... then dinner "here, lap up some soup".
M / 39 / UK
Likes: Pain, humiliation, bondage, control, suffering
Limits: Illegal activities (underage, bestiality etc.)

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