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Old 01-09-2017, 04:13 PM   #1
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Default Full Day (or more) of control - Bigger and Better

This is an updated version of my original "Full Day Of Control". It essentially takes that as a base and modifies it to make it a bit more in-depth, to include punishments, additional areas of control, plus harder areas.

The harsher sections of an area this is built for you to start on the easier sections of them, with the possibility of being forced onto harder difficulties later via punishments and such, however by all means go straight to the higher levels right from the word go if you so wish.

Finally, as there was some confusion last time, for the tasks roll for how many you need to do, and for each individual task you roll a die twice, once for which area, and once for which task. You are not expected to do multiple tasks from the same group by default.

Now, the basic rules:

Firstly, you roll a day in advance. This means you roll for tomorrow's numbers tonight. If it states you are to continue the dare multiple days, you do further rolls as you need to. Do not roll all days in one block... you'll spoil all the fun by knowing what's coming.

Secondly, if a combination breaks your limits, that's fine. Each day you will get a single free re-roll. Subsequent re-rolls however mean rolling for a punishment. So if you were to get nude jogging outside a an exercise, you may re-roll a single roll (perhaps the nude bit), however to re-roll again (even for the same roll) you'll be taking a punishment roll. Be careful these don't add up too quick.

Third, there are some areas they may go against some people's limits, I have attempted to place in brackets an alternative for ones that do this (i.e. drinking pee would become drinking plain water), if I have missed any you are free to take a free re-roll for it instead. This, however, does not include things where multiple rolls combine to break a limit, the original free re-roll covers that, beyond that you take your punishment rolls.

Now, onto the rolling!

If you need to be up before the time rolled (Say for work, college etc.) then default to that.

1 - 4am
2 - 5am
3 - 6am
4 - 7am
5 - 8am
6 - 9am

Morning Exercise - Time:
If you roll a time for before you're due to get up, do the exercise immediately on waking up. If you roll later than when you need to leave for work/college, then do it before leaving.

1 - 4am
2 - 5am
3 - 6am
4 - 7am
5 - 8am
6 - 9am

Morning Exercise - Clothing:

1 - Basic bra and panties
2 - Sexy lingerie
3 - Panties only
4 - Standard working out clothes
5 - Your clothing for the day (as rolled below)
6 - nude

Morning Exercise - Location:

1 - Living room with curtains open
2 - Front garden
3 - Back garden
4 - Bedroom
5 - Pavement/Sidewalk
6 - Dining room (if you haven't one, the Kitchen)

Morning Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.

1 - 30 minutes jogging (on the spot or a proper jog, up to you)
2 - 50 Star jumps
3 - 20 Sit ups
4 - 20 Push ups
5 - 15 Minutes light stretching
6 - 50 Squats

Breakfast - Food:
You will always eat breakfast before showering, however whether you eat before or after your workout is up to you (being sure to keep to times rolled). Remembering your dress will be either your sleep attire (if before workout) or your workout attire (if after).

1 - Nothing, you go hungry
2 - Bowl of cereal
3 - Fruit
4 - Sandwich
5 - Plain toast
6 - Your choice

Breakfast - Drink:

1 - Plain water
2 - Flavoured Juice
3 - Coffee
4 - Tea
5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)
6 - Water from the toilet bowl (limit: Plain water)

Breakfast - How to eat:

1 - Sit at the table
2 - Stand in the kitchen
3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed
4 - Liquidized (if you do not have the ability to do this, you get to sit at the table, lucky you)
5 - From the floor outside, no hands allowed
6 - Your choice, but you have 90 seconds to eat your meal. After time is up you forfiet the rest.

Obviously, if you're one of the few with no shower, replace this with bath.

1 - Normal shower, as long as you like
2 - Cold shower, as long as you like
3 - Normal shower, 5 minutes only
4 - Cold shower, for 10 minutes only
5 - None at all
6 - No shower, and you must tease yourself for 15 minutes instead, then use your hand to cover your face in your pussy juice/pre-cum.


1 - All hair below neck to be shaved
2 - Underarm hair only
3 - Crotch only
4 - No shaving
5 - Legs only
6 - Your choice

Clothing - Underwear:

1 - Up to you
2 - None
3 - Thong only
4 - Bra only (this goes for men too)
5 - Crotch rope and Rope bra (basically bind your tits at the base, and join them with rope going behind your neck to lift them up, if you cannot do this, wear nothing)
6 - One piece swimsuit

Clothing - Top:

1 - T-Shirt
2 - Thin white vest
3 - Boob tube
4 - Nothing
5 - Button up shirt (roll below for buttons)
6 - Dress (Roll below for length)

Clothing - Shirt buttons:
This is how many you must leave unbuttoned

1 - None
2 - 1
2 - 3
3 - 4
4 - 5
5 - 6
6 - All

Clothing - Dress Length:
After this roll, skip the roll for bottoms

1 - Down to the knees
2 - halfway between knees and underwear
3 - Barely showing off your underwear (if you are wearing any)
4 - Ankle length (lucky you)
5 - 2 inches below your underwear
6 - 1 inch above the bottom of your underwear (so clearly on show even while standing)

Clothing - Bottoms

1 - Standard trousers/jeans
2 - Shorts
3 - Short shorts
4 - Leggings
5 - Skirt (roll below for length)
6 - Nothing

Clothing - Skirt Length:

1 - Down to the knees
2 - halfway between knees and underwear
3 - Barely showing off your underwear (if you are wearing any)
4 - Ankle length (lucky you)
5 - 2 inches below your underwear
6 - 1 inch above the bottom of your underwear (so clearly on show even while standing)

Clothing - Feet:

1 - Bare
2 - your highest pair of heels
3 - any pair of high heels
4 - normal shoes and socks
5 - just socks
6 - sandals

Hair Style:

1 - Pigtails
2 - Loose
3 - spiked
4 - pony tail
5 - braided
6 - Messy (just don't brush it)

Time with friends:

1 - 30 minutes
2 - 1 hour
3 - 1 hour 30 minutes
4 - 2 hours
5 - As much as you want
6 - None

Time outside of the house:
This does not include work/college or similar, nor any tasks that require leaving the house. This is purely for any free time you may have.

1 - 30 minutes
2 - 1 hour
3 - 1 hour 30 minutes
4 - 2 hours
5 - As much as you want
6 - None

Time allowed using electronics:
Such as TV, Phone, Computer etc. This obviously counts for free time, so using it for actual work/college work, or to speak to your Master/Mistress won't count. But time browsing GetDare and other sites would.

1 - 30 minutes
2 - 1 hour
3 - 1 hour 30 minutes
4 - 2 hours
5 - As much as you want
6 - None

Toilet - How often:

1 - Once
2 - Twice
3 - Three times
4 - Four times
5 - Five times
6 - Six times

Toilet - How you go:

1 - Rear garden
2 - Front of house
3 - Toilet as normal
4 - In a litter tray (if you have none, make one with old newspaper) - You may clean this the following morning only (and only if you do not have to use it the next day, hope the house doesn't smell)
5 - Wear a diaper all day (this overrides the underwear portion earlier, you may only change it when preparing for bed)
6 - At least half a mile from your house, and you may not go inside a building.

Tasks - How many:
Note: Tasks must be done in the order rolled, this means if you roll an exhibitionist roll early, then tough, you are doing it early. You don't get to change the order of them.

Also keep an eye on your time, failure to complete all rolled tasks results in a requirement of completing the dare again the following day regardless of your previous roll.

As before, if a task exceeds your limits you may re-roll at the cost of rolling on the punishment list at the end.

1 - 1 Task
2 - 2 Tasks
3 - 3 Tasks
4 - 4 Tasks
5 - 5 Tasks
6 - 6 Tasks

Tasks - Which to do
As said earlier, for each task roll here, then n the specific table, then return here to find out which table to roll on next.

1 - Humiliation
2 - Pain
3 - Chores
4 - Exhibitionism
5 - Masturbation
6 - Slavery

Tasks - Humiliation Level Easy:

1 - Write degradng words on your body (roll a die to see how many to write from 1 to 6)
2 - Write a blog (either on here or share the link) detailing how pathetic you are and how everyone should humiliate and degrade you
3 - Spend an hour acting as an animal, this means no using furniture, no standing, and no talking. Any drink should be lapped from a bowl.
4 - Scrub your mouth out with a bar of soap for 5 minutes, then roll a die. On evens you may rinse immediately, on odd you must wait half an hour before rinsing.
5 - Record 5 minutes of audio of you begging to be used and abused, send it to a single person.
6 - Take pictures of the clothing you are currently wearing (with or without face) and send it to a person of your choosing.

Tasks - Humiliation Level Hard:

1 - Call everyone you speak to "Sir" or "Madam" for the rest of the day.
2 - Record 5 minutes of audio of you begging to be used and abused then share a link to it on here.
3 - For the rest of the day act as an animal, this means no using furniture, no standing, and no talking. Any drink should be lapped from a bowl.
4 - Take a picture of your clothing for the day and post it here (or Kink Talk), you may not remove it until you've completed this entire dare (including additional days)
5 - Drink some water from the toilet bowl before flushing it with your head still inside.
6 - Desribe, in detail, your flaws. Include everything you can, such as physical and mental flaws, and how you feel describing them.

Tasks - Pain Level Easy:

1 - Clamp your nipples for 30 minutes. During this time you will twist and pull on the clamps. Every 5 minutes you are to remove them, turn them 90 degrees, then re-attach them.
2 - Cover your pussy/balls in clamps, again, twist and pull on them for 30 minutes, removing and replacing them at a 90 degree angle every 5 minutes
3 - Use your hand to give 50 swats to each of the following areas: Left ass cheek, right ass cheek, left thigh, right thigh, left breast, right breast, pussy/balls.
4 - Use a hairbrush (or wooden spoon) to give 50 swats to each of the following areas: Left ass cheek, right ass cheek, left thigh, right thigh, left breast, right breast, pussy/balls.
5 - Take a candle and drip wax over your entire pussy/balls until it has been completely covered, then peel it off.
6 - Cover your pussy/tip of your dick in toothpaste, you are not allowed to wash this off for at least 10 minutes.

Tasks - Pain Level Hard:

1 - Take a stiff brush (hard hair brush is fine, scouring pad is better, brillo pad is insane), and give each of the following areas 5 full minutes of scrubbing: left ass cheek, right ass cheek, left nipple, right nipple, pussy/dick
2 - Place a small amount of toothpaste on a Q-Tip, use this to smear it just on the inside of your pee hole.
3 - Clamp your nipples and pussy/balls then add elastic bands to each of them so that they press down even tighter. Pull and twist these for 10 minutes before removing. Give them 5 minutes of rest before repeating.
4 - Light a candle and squat over it with your pussy/dick resting just above the flame, you are to stay that way for 5 minutes. You may move, but the timer will pause for any time you are not within an inch or two of the flame.
5 - Take a belt and give your pussy/balls 50 harsh lashes from it, with the final 5 being witht he buckle end.
6 - Women take some hair spray and give a solid ten second spray directly onto the clit. Men do the same to the tip of your penis.

Tasks - Chores Level Easy:

1 - Wash all dirty clothing
2 - Clean all dirty dishes and clean kitchen
3 - Clean bathroom
4 - Clean bedroom
5 - Clean living room
6 - Clean windows

Tasks - Chores Level Hard:

1 - Wash all dirty clothing by hand
2 - Clean the dishes, but wear a crotch rope with your hands tied together, going through the waist band, forcing you to pull it into your crotch to clean the dishes
3 - Clean the toilet using your toothbrush
4 - Clean your bedroom, however your hands will be bound to a rope around your waist which allows each arm only about two feet of movement from your body
5 - Clean your living room, however both feet are tied together with a rope allowing them to seperate two feet at most.
6 - Strip to your underwear for the day and clean your windows

Tasks - Exhibitionism Level Easy:

1 - Tuck the back of your skirt/dress into your panties and go for a walk until someone points if out, you may then return home "embarassed". If you are wearing trousers then you will walk to a crowded area and then have them "accidentally" fall down. If you aren't wearing bottoms today, then you'll just have to take a ten minute walk before coming back.
2 - Sit on a park bench for half an hour with part of you exposed. As this will depend on your outfit for the day it is up to you what is exposed.
3 - Knock on a neighbors door and ask to borrow something. Wear only what you rolled for the day and nothing else.
4 - Go shopping, and while out "accidentally" flash someone. Again this depends on your outfit so you get to decide how you do it.
5 - Head to a supermarket, and buy only condoms and a cucumber.
6 - "Accidentally" spill a drink down your top. If anyone offers to help you clean up, let them take over the cleaning. If they offer a fresh top, swap into it right there.

Tasks - Exhibitionism Level Hard:

1 - Go to a window and spend 15 minutes masturbating while standing there. You may not cum.
2 - Ask people if they would like to watch you play with yourself, when you find someone who does, you will tease yourself for 15 minutes.
3 - Flash 5 different people.
4 - Sunbath nude in your garden for 30 minutes
5 - Go to a park and whie there have one of your items of clothing get "snagged" and torn from you. Leave the item there as you run home. You may not replace the item after this task.
6 - Do a mail run completely naked. If this is too much for you, do it in your underwear, but you get -1 from your "Are you free?" roll that was previously made. (So if this is your first time, deduct one from the roll you made in it earlier)

Tasks - Masturbation Level Easy:

1 - 15 minutes of general slow teasing of the clit/cock
2 - 30 minutes of masturbation to gay/lesbian porn (gay for males, lesbian for females)
3 - 30 minutes of masturbation to pain based porn
4 - 30 minutes of masturbation to humiliation porn (Men watch men being humiliated, women watch women)
5 - 30 minutes or masturbation to hentai porn
6 - 15 minutes of humping a table or chair leg

Tasks - Masturbation Level Hard:

1 - 15 minutes of masturbating, followed by a ruined orgasm (stop touching at the very last moment so you get no actual relief)
2 - Fuck your ass for 15 minutes using lube of your choice
3 - Fuck your ass for 15 minutes using toothpaste as lube
4 - Masturbate for 15 minutes with toothpaste over your fingers
5 - Head to a public restroom, kneel on the floor, and spend 15 minutes teasing yourself with a vibrator
6 - Spend 30 minutes on the phone to a friend while masturbating constantly.. If they hang up, call another friend and resume the time. If at any point they guess what you are doing you must admit to it. If you get this task multiple times during the course of doing this dare, you must always choose different people.

Tasks - Slavery Level Easy:

1 - Spend an hour doing random dares from this site
2 - Randomly choose a dice dare to complete in addition to this one
3 - Create a thread asking for people to use you for an hour (subsequent rolls for this will mean re-using the thread and picking up where you left off, do not create additional threads)
4 - Go into chat and announce that, for the next hour you will be following all commands that are within your limits in the order you are given them.
5 - Spend half an hour kneeling, with your legs about two feet apart, hands resting on them palm upward head bowed, as though waiting on your Master to give you a task.
6 - Spend an hour following all commands given to you, you do not need to tell anyone that you are doing this, but you may not refuse or say no to anything. (Think like the book/movie Yes Man).

Tasks - Slavery Level Hard:

1 - Go onto a site like Omegle, or use one of the cam sites, spend an hour on there following any and all commands.
2 - Post an ad begging for a Master/Mistress (if you don't already have one), you have 24 hours to decide who to choose, they will be able to use you for the duration of this dare however they wish (within your limits), but only during the periods you are not following this dare.
3 - For the next day, you must follow all commands given to you, you do not need to tell anyone that you are doing this, but you may not refuse or say no to anything. (Think like the book/movie Yes Man).
4 - Create a dare thread, you must complete all dares in it that are within your limits, and the thread will continue until you have finished this dare. You will be required to still finish all dares in that thread that were left unfinished at the end of this dare.
5 - Create a poll asking for users to decide a certain aspect of your life, be it clothing, orgasms, etc. Leave it open for 24 hours, you will then have to abide by the rules of it for as long as you said/was decided. Feel free to message me for advise on poll options with this.
6 - For the remainder of this dare, any free time you have will be spent doing random dares from this site.

If you had a task that had the option of cumming, roll here

1 - Ruined orgasm
2 - No orgasm
3 - No orgasm
4 - Edge only
5 - Edge only
6 - Orgasm

Lunch - Food:

1 - Nothing
2 - Sandwich
3 - Salad
4 - Snacks
5 - Plain pasta, no sauce
6 - Whatever you can fish out of the garbage/leftovers

Lunch - Drink:

1 - Plain water
2 - Flavoured Juice
3 - Coffee
4 - Tea
5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)
6 - Water from the toilet bowl (limit: Plain water)

Lunch - How to eat:

1 - Sit at the table
2 - Stand in the kitchen
3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed
4 - Liquidized (if you do not have the ability to do this, you get to sit at the table, lucky you)
5 - From the floor outside, no hands allowed
6 - Your choice, but you have 90 seconds to eat your meal. After time is up you forfiet the rest.

Dinner - Food:

1 - Takeaway (lucky you)
2 - Pasta (with a sauce)
3 - Plain vegetables
4 - Cooked meat (vegetarians can have either a fake meat alternative, or a plain plate of chips)
5 - Soup
6 - Whatever you can fish from the garbage/leftovers

Dinner - Drink:

1 - Plain water
2 - Flavoured Juice
3 - Coffee
4 - Tea
5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)
6 - Water from the toilet bowl (limit: Plain water)

Dinner - How to eat:

1 - Sit at the table
2 - Stand in the kitchen
3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed
4 - Liquidized (if you do not have the ability to do this, you get to sit at the table, lucky you)
5 - From the floor outside, no hands allowed
6 - Your choice, but you have 90 seconds to eat your meal. After time is up you forfiet the rest.

Evening Exercise - Time:
if you finish work/school after any of these times, do it immediately upon leaving/arriving home. Your clothing for this remains until you go to bed.

1 - 5pm
2 - 6pm
3 - 7pm
4 - 8pm
5 - 9pm
6 - 10pm

Evening Exercise - Clothing:

1 - Basic bra and panties
2 - Sexy lingerie
3 - Panties only
4 - Standard working out clothes
5 - Your clothing for the day (as rolled above)
6 - nude

Evening Exercise - Location:

1 - Living room with curtains open
2 - Front garden
3 - Back garden
4 - Bedroom
5 - Pavement/Sidewalk
6 - Dining room (if you haven't one, the Kitchen)

Evening Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.

1 - 30 minutes jogging (on the spot or a proper jog, up to you)
2 - 50 Star jumps
3 - 20 Sit ups
4 - 20 Push ups
5 - 15 Minutes light stretching
6 - 50 Squats

Bed - Time:

1 - 10pm
2 - 11pm
3 - Midnight
4 - 1am
5 - 2am
6 - 3am

Bed - Clothing:

1 - Crotch rope
2 - Pajamas
3 - Bra and panties
4 - Nude
5 - The clothes you wore today
6 - Swimsuit

Bed - Where:

1 - Bed
2 - Floor (no pillow, no covers)
3 - Floor (with a pillow and cover)
4 - Bath (no pillow, no cover)
5 - Back garden with just a sheet (if it is too cold to do this safely, sleep in the rear-most room of the house)
6 - Cage/Closet/Cupboard (no pillow, no sheets)

Are you free?
You roll this at the end of any period of doing the dare. So you roll on your first day and see if you're free. If not, you complete it the amount it says (say 5 days), then re-roll at the end. You're only free when you roll a 5 or 6.

1 - No, redo this for a full week
2 - No, redo this for the next 5 days
3 - No, redo this for the next 2 days
4 - No, redo this tomorrow
5 - Yes, you are free
6 - Yes, you are free


Punishments are accrued if you fail to complete a task or use up more than your allowed re-rolls (as stated at the start). For each punishment gained you will roll two dice and consult the table below. If you fail to complete a punishment (including due to limits) you will re-roll it and add an additional punishment to those that are left to complete. It is worth nothing punishments can stack, so multiple rolls of the same number mean multiple of that punishment.

2 - PM me a list (or link) to you likes, dislikes, limits and toys, and I'll create a harsh punishment for you that pushes at least one limit.
3 - Roll a die, that is the number of days you will go without orgasm
4 - Roll a die and check the "Tasks - Which to do" section. Tomorrow all rolls on that section will be from the Hard section (If you're already doing the hard section... lucky you, no punishment)
5 - For tomorrow's toilet use you get -1 to the die roll
6 - Next time you roll on the "cumming" section you get -1 to the die roll.
7 - You will get corner time, roll below to see how you will be doing it.
8 - Write 200 lines, by hand, saying "I am a dumb cunt/cuck (delete as appropriate) and will do better in future"
9 - When rolling to see if you "Are free", you get -1 to the roll. If you were due to be free, you're re-starting tomorrow now instead.
10 - Roll a die and check the "Tasks - Which to do" section. Tomorrow all rolls on that section will be from the Hard section (If you're already doing the hard section... lucky you, no punishment)
11 - You get -1 to the next Wake Up time roll you make.
12 - Take a picture of yourself fully naked, holding up a sheet of paper with both the date and your GD name on it, send it to someone on here.

Punishment - Corner Time Clothing:

1 - Naked
2 - Panties only
3 - Bra only
4 - Bra and panties
5 - Swimsuit
6 - Lingerie

Punishment - Corner Time Position:
Knees are to be two feet apart at all times, and facing into the room (back to the wall)

1 - Squatting, hands behind head, fingers linked
2 - Squatting, arms stretched to the side
3 - Kneeling, hands behind head, fingers linked
4 - Kneeling, arms stretched to the side
5 - Kneeling on dry rice (if no rice, two pencils on each side), hands behind, fingers linked
6 - Kneeling on dry rice (if no rice, two pencils on each side), arms stretched to the side

Punishment - Corner Time Length:

1 - 15 minutes
2 - 30 minutes
3 - 45 minutes
4 - 1 hour
5 - 1 hour 15 minutes
6 - 1 hour 30 minutes

Punishment - Corner Time Room:

1 - Living room
2 - Bedroom
3 - Kitchen
4 - Back garden
5 - Front garden
6 - Bathroom
M / 39 / UK
Likes: Pain, humiliation, bondage, control, suffering
Limits: Illegal activities (underage, bestiality etc.)

Full Day Of Control Dare

Song Contest Thread

Kik is broken
Skype - live:thecruelmaster82

Last edited by pranadevil; 01-10-2017 at 01:19 PM.
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