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Old 09-19-2016, 07:22 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by thiskittykat View Post
Your bisexual yes? when did you first know you are bisexual? Does your family or friends know? have you had any experience with both genders? did you like it? what did you do? and with whom?

In your blog you wrote a poem " cuddles " yes? Do you enjoy writing? when did you find out you were interested in writing? who's your favorite poet? what's your favorite poem?

You said and i quote " I like to think about things, probably too much; a prime example of this being that I think I am funnier than I actually am. " a scale 1-10 10 being very funny where are you at?

if you would crash into a girl or guy that you instantly fall for would you use a pun? if so which pun? have a pun ever worked for you? how many times have you used a pun on someone? does your mates find your puns annoying?

Last, did i ask enough questions? should i do my own AMA? did putting this message in a quote bother you? what is the exact time you are reading this sentence? whats the top 3 websites you explore? How do you sleep? are you currently single? if so do you like anyone right now? whats your favorite song? hmm i have a headache now... thanks ._.
I'm on my phone, so my response may seem a little disjointed, but here goes:

I am indeed bisexual.
I first found out when I was 14 years old, though I'd had my suspicions since I was 11/12.
My family do not know, not sure if they ever will. A few friends know, but I'm selective with who finds out for reasons.
I do indeed have experience with both genders.
Sex stuff, y'know. I've had girlfriends and (secret) boyfriends in the past so I've done the romantic and lustful stuff on both teams. Even had a few MMF threesomes (next goal on that front is MFF or MMM - don't mind in which order)
With whom? A variety of people. My first sexual experience was with my (male) best friend when I was 14. Things have grown from there really.

I did indeed write that poem. My blog is home to quite a number of poems. I've never counted, but I'd guess at around 20?
I love writing, so much that it's my profession.
I've been interested in writing seriously for a long while, and determined to succeed since I found out that I'm dyslexic. Again, I have a blog on it.
I don't really have a favourite poet. I look more for the poems themselves.
Probably 'V' by Tony Harrison.

I think I'm a 9. Others would argue maybe 7.

Only have time for the first half. Second half to follow...
Hi, I'm Jon!

I like talking to new people. Come and say hello if you'd like to get to know me

26 | M | UK | Bisexual | Switch | Punmaster
About Me | My Blog | BDSM Test

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