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Old 09-09-2016, 10:22 PM   #1
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Ok, i arrived yesterday and here's the first part of my report:

Originally Posted by Sophiaa View Post
1. Order a pizza at least once on your holiday and drop a towel or simply answer the door nude, apologise for the inconvenience.
2. Leave your curtains open all the time so anyone from the outside can see in.
3. You must roll a dice every day, 1-3 = no underwear, 4-6 = underwear for the rest of the day, whenever you're not in your room.
4. Whenever you go swimming or in the pool, you can't wear any underwear or anything else underneath your swimming outfit. People could see the bulge?
5. The most obvious, it's quite hot in Spain most of the time, you have to be nude whenever you're inside your room.

Reports for any you do would be appreciated!
2) Curtains are open, except at night. Wasn't possible to sleep when they're open. There is to much light outside. But i don't think i'm visible at all if in Bed, so it doesn't realy matter.

3) I weren't without underwear for a long time, so yesterday i just tried it a little bit without dice. Went to Dinner without and to a bar to watch a football-game. I think it's ok, but not for a long time. It's pretty warm here, so i'll sweat a lot when not "just sitting" (as in the bar). So for longer trips i'll always wear underwear. To make it even: If i think it's possible to go without (like the meals etc) i'll go without if i roll 1-4 instead of 1-3 (and i'll roll for each time, not for the whole day.)
And i just rolled "1" for breakfast... so no underwear :-/

4) wasn't swimming yet. I think i'll do today!

5) Usualy naked in my room. Just on the balcony not always. I'm in the 7th floor and i'm very visible on the balcony (the balustrade is made of glass... no cover at all ). I'll be naked there if i feel like "it's possible"

Originally Posted by LilMissMaddie View Post
I have one simple dare for you. You need to cum 5+ times on your trip. But you cannot cum in the same place twice. So if you cum on the balcony, no more balcony, etc
I cummed once yesterday before i went to bed in my room. And now i realize: I can't cum there agai :-O
I had in mind just to cum in 5 different locations, but that's much harder... Hope there will no be wired interferences with the "no underwear" dare when i'm horny... Would be kinda embarrassing to have a visible booner...

But i already thought about a few more locations: My balcony, my bathroom, the sunroof (on top of the hotel), the ocean (does it coun't if i do it in the ocean in another village? It would be the same ocean... but kind of different location )

Will keep doing the dares

Any other dares i can do?

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