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Old 10-31-2009, 03:20 PM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 277

Once again, sorry for the delay in uploading the next chapter. I have been a bit busy over the past few weeks with one thing or another, but have finally got around to writing some more.

This part may be a little less 'climatic' than previous chapters, but this is the Truths round - hopefully you'll get something out of it.


The Story Continues...

"Ok, Truths round first," Sarah said, "and I'd like to start."

My sister aimed her first question at me. "Steve, I'd like to know... thinking back to the original game that we played... when you first put your finger inside me... what were you thinking and feeling ?"

Upon hearing the question, I was spontaniously flying back in time to my sister's Birthday sleepover where it all began. I still remembered the very moment that Sarah was referring to, and as we had shared so much since then there seemed little point in trying to hold back any detail.

"To be honest, I was confused. I knew that I shouldn't be doing it... it was wrong... you were... are my sister. Yet I also felt extremely turned on by the experience - touching your most intimate area. I also felt an overwhelming sense of power, like at that moment I had control over you. Of course, we all know that soon changed !"

It was a truthful answer, and both Jo and Sarah seemed happy that I had been so open about it. Indeed, my sister's hand had subconciously made it's way to her crotch, and was slowly rubbing.

Sarah now turned to Jo, and asked "Jo, if you could choose anyone in the world to take your virginity, who would it be ?"

I was surprised that Jo was still a virgin, although I remembered back to my sister's sleepover when Jo revealed that she was indeed still a virgin. It seemed strange, considering all that had happened, that Jo was still a virgin. I really, really liked Jo, and since that unexpected kiss earlier this week I had thought about her a lot - not so much in a sexual way, but a deeper emotion. I began to anticipate a list of celebrities that Jo would choose to take her virginity, so imagine my surprise when Jo blurted out "Steve" !
I must have looked shocked, but I was really pleased by the answer. My sister did a double take, trying to think of a celebrity called Steve, then noticed the way that Jo was looking at me.

"Steve... my brother Steve ?!?" Sarah said sounding as shocked as I was.

"Uh huh." Jo replied, nodding and smiling at me.

I had initially thought that this question had been set up, but judging by Sarah's reaction, I could now tell that this was not the case.

"What have you two been up too ?" my sister asked, but Jo simply replied, "Nothing yet... besides, you've had your two truths out of us."

My sister accepted her defeat, but continued to consider the fact that something could be going on between her brother and best friend that she was not aware of.

"Ok, my turn" Jo now said, moving the game on. "Steve, your truth to tell us is... what would you rather do - suck Ed's cock or eat your sister's pussy ?"

This was a difficult question, and it seemed a strange transition coming from the girl who has just said that out of anyone on earth, she'd like me to take her viginity ! Now I was being asked whether I'd prefer to suck of my best friend or lick my sister's pussy - both equally taboo, but there was only one truthful answer. "That's easy," I replied, "it would definately be eat out my sister."

Although we were only a couple of questions into the game, I was already extremely turned on.

"Sarah, when was the last time that you masturbated, and what were you thinking about ?"

My sister blushed as she thought about the answer. "I masturbated last night, thinking about all the stuff Ed made Claire and Bex do at the mall - in particular in the changing rooms."

This was getting interesting, so I started my question where Jo's left off. I asked Sarah, "Did you fantasise that it was you in their place ?", to which my sister simply responded, "Hell, yeah ! I mean, some of the stuff they did was really embarrassing, but it made me so horny thinking about doing it." I knew what she meant - right or wrong, it made me horny thinking about my sister doing it too !

I waited a short time to think about what I had just heard before asking Jo her truth. I wanted to ask more about her virginity, and the part that she wanted me to play in removing it from her, but considered that this was probably not the time, and I sort of wanted to get Jo back for the difficult question that she had asked me, so I asked "Jo, have you ever done or fantasised about doing anything with Miles ?"
Miles was, of course, Jo's younger brother - two years and one month younger to be precise. I felt it was a justified question to ask, but regretted it as soon as Jo blushed and hesitated to respond.

"Errm... well..."

It was clear that there was something there, but Jo really didn't want to reveal what it was. Regretting asking the question, I offered to ask a different one, but Jo responded, "No, it's ok. When we were younger we used to play Doctors and Nurses, and I was always the nurse." She continued, hesitantly, "I would make him take off his trousers and underwear so I could 'examine' him, but I never let him see me."

My sister asked Jo for more details, to which Jo replied "Well, just that really. I used to look at and touch his willie. He used to get hard, but he was too young to produce anything, so it never went anywhere. He did ask me several times to be the paitent, but I always said no."

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Jo had answered and I believed her.

"Cool - I'm glad that round is over with... now we can get on with the dares..." my sister said...

Check out my stories...

Sister's Sleepover - T or D - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sequel - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sub Plot - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes - - IN PROGRESS
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