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Old 06-29-2015, 08:03 PM   #59
Komodo Jones
getDare Succubus
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: in your's ok you can admit it
Posts: 1,755
Blog Entries: 97

1. Headphones or earphones?
Earphones, I'm wearing them right now.

2. What is your "getting ready for a date" ritual?
It's been a long long time since I've been on a date. I guess the best I can say is shower, shave (face), deodorant, cologne and dress nicely but still comfortable.

3. Have you labeled yourself things (such as OCD, depression, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD) without a professional's opinion?
Kind of I've actually been diagnosed with clinical depression, but I think I have a very slight case of hypochondriasis.

4. Aliens. Do they exist? Are they here already?
Well that kind of depends on what aliens we're talking about. As for extraterrestrials I don't think so. Foreign people who are sneaking into countries illegally, they're here already and they do exist.

5. Pirates. Favorite non-fictional pirate?
My favorite non-fictional pirate, I don't know Edward Teach a.k.a. Blackbeard because that is the only one I know.

6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair on the opposite sex?
Well that kind of depends on the person as some look better with short and some better with longer, but for the most part I prefer longer hair.

7. If you discovered an unknown land... what would you name it?
Mogin. Why? That's what I always name my Animal Crossing towns on consoles

8. In your opinion, what is the most adequate type of legal system?
Um...what, you're asking the wrong person. Democracy I guess.

9. Would you rather be the cheater or be cheated on?
Is neither an option? I feel like a heel saying this but I'd rather be the cheater, not that I ever would. But I've been cheated on before and it feels awful. I mean I'm sure it feels awful if you cheat on someone and you have a soul, which I do. The only problem is if you value honesty like I do you can't really lie to someone.

10. Have you ever cheated in school (pre-school through grad school)? Don't lie! :P
Honestly I haven't.

11. How many children do you want, if any?
I'd like at least two: one girl, one boy but of course I know you can't choose the gender of your baby.

12. Do you consider sex to be an important part of a successful romantic relationship?
Honestly, yes even if you're not into kink or whatever. Successful romantic relationships kind of involve knowing and accepting most if not all aspects of your partner. Being a Christian, I do know that God did create as sexual beings I'm not going to deny that so since it is part of who we are as humans yes. But of course as many people do, and I respect them for this, most people wait until after marriage which also says that sex doesn't have to be the main focus to have a successful romantic relationship.

13. How long have you gone without bathing?
Maybe a week, I was lazy.

14. Do you like the way you look?
Well I do have a weight issue...and an endowment issue...but sometimes when I look at myself, I look damn sexy. So could I stand to lose some weight, absolutely, but I like the way I look.

15. Have you ever found yourself quoting a Disney movie?
Yes...although I couldn't tell you what it was, but I know I've quoted one at least.

16. When was the last time you blushed?
The last time I was embarrassed I guess. I honestly don't know probably when I was buying women's underwear at a store. Check my non-fiction story if you want more details, the entrie's in there somewhere.

17. Are you happy?
Not really. Something really emotionally difficult happened this past weekend and it's still there although it's not as severe as it was now. But despite emotional complications I wouldn't really say as I'm happy but I'm not really any other emotion. I constantly am in a sense of ennui. Congrats if you know what that words means without looking it up. Even more kudos if you can pronounce it correctly.

18. What is your favorite pastime?
Watching youtube. It used to be between a tie of gaming and writing but I don't do much of either anymore even though I just published and entry on my vanilla blog (off this site) today.

19. Least favorite food?
Coleslaw, can't stand the taste, can't stand the smell, I absolutely hate it.

20. Who has inspired you to be a better person?
Honestly, no one. I just kind of got this way just by being me and being raised in a Christian household. Now a lot of people have told me that I am a great guy and that I should keep on doing what I'm doing, but not a lot of people have said you should do this or do that and you'll be a better person for it. I don't mean to sound conceited by saying this, but yeah who I am today was

38/male/partially bi/switch
D/s Status: Protector, Dom and Daddy of pixie.dust

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Check Out my Literary Works
Targeting the Ignored [Fiction]
Some Stuff I've Done (Non-Fiction)
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