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Old 11-23-2014, 01:25 PM   #14
Foxy Rose
Incurable romantic and dreamer
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: South Africa
Posts: 432
Blog Entries: 23

I like to answer truths! I'm also inherently nosy and like to read through them. So I figured I'd make my own set for me to stalk through! Also, if anyone knows the song reference in the title... I'll love you forever!

1. Headphones or earphones?

Headphones... I like the kind I have currently... Blocks outside noises and great bass.

2. What is your "getting ready for a date" ritual?

Depends on the type of date. Mainly shower, shave, little make up (don't want to come across as a hooker), comfy shoes and clothes.

3. Have you labeled yourself things (such as OCD, depression, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD) without a professional's opinion?

A couple of things over a period in time. Currently dealing with depression but not too much. Life is just a little too much right now.

4. Aliens. Do they exist? Are they here already?

I believe in aliens. Illegal and paranormal. Are they here already? I believe they've been in our atmosphere but saw how screwed we are and made a U-turn.

5. Pirates. Favorite non-fictional pirate?

Captain Jack Sparrow!!! Oh and that Captain from the Tin Tin books/movie/cartoon movies.

6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair on the opposite sex?

Anything but long hair... I can't stand a guy with a ponytail. I just wanna take a scissor and cut it off

7. If you discovered an unknown land... what would you name it?

It would depend on my mood when I find the unknown land. Maybe something like Party Central? I really don't know

8. In your opinion, what is the most adequate type of legal system?

I don't believe there is any nor will there ever be. I look at some of the cases going on right now in my country. It's a joke! And the "victims" now get money for releasing books etc. And they still claim poverty. What a joke!

9. Would you rather be the cheater or be cheated on?


10. Have you ever cheated in school (pre-school through grad school)? Don't lie! :P

Mmm, I don't think so. Though I remember one test/exam where I kinda made up a silly story to my teacher about my father being sick when he wasn't. Needless to say, I retook that test and passed after failing horribly the first time *high 5s self*

11. How many children do you want, if any?

It's a coin toss between 2 or 3. Depends on the partner I have one day. And if we can financially support them all.

12. Do you consider sex to be an important part of a successful romantic relationship?

No. I would rather abstain from sex and have a successful romantic relationship than have earth shattering sex and a bad romantic relationship.

13. How long have you gone without bathing?

No more than 4 days. We had water problems at the time and I hate washing myself with cold water. And boiling kettle after kettle for hot water is such a waste of energy.

14. Do you like the way you look?

Slowly getting there

15. Have you ever found yourself quoting a Disney movie?

Not that I can recall. Maybe when I was much younger and used to watch a lot of Disney movies. Though I've quoted "That'll do Donkey, that'll do" from the Shrek movies a couple of times. Not sure if it's Disney or Pixar

16. When was the last time you blushed?

I believe it was yesterday. And I think it's two guys from this very site. Nope not naming anyone...shhh:

17. Are you happy?

Generally yes. At this very moment? Not so much. Too much personal stuff screwing me up.

18. What is your favorite pastime?

Watching tv shows from when I was younger, going to the beach, writing/reading poetry and stories, chatting with friends, baking and cooking.

19. Least favorite food?

Offal, though I do eat devilled kidneys and steak and kidney pies. Depends on what is made really.

20. Who has inspired you to be a better person?

It depends on who I talk with as it varies and the type of conversation we have.
37 / F / STRAIGHT/ DEMI SEXUAL / SWITCH (more sub)

Hufflepuff 💛
Flower: 🌻
Sun sign: ♈
Moon sign: ♊
Rising sign: ♋
She / her / hers

My AD looking for a DOM

For a love like this is what I crave, deserve, desire, need and want

Every breath, every hour, has come to this

I just want you to know who I am
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