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Old 11-12-2014, 03:51 AM   #12
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Originally Posted by punishlola View Post
1. What is one new thing you've tried this week?

Hmm..I can't think of anything I've tried this week which was new, the two most recent things that spring to mind are both D/s related- ATM and begging.

-Both were limits before this...with ATM Sir asked me if I would clean a toy after fucking myself with it and I told him I didn't know until the time came, when the time came and he asked if I would during a session and I pushed myself to go ahead and do it for him. I was very confused at the time as I detailed in my blog about the session but glad I pleased him and it's now a soft limit.

- With begging, I'd previously told him why it was a limit for me so he was aware not to touch it all, but after talking to him about the reasons why it became a limit to begin with I told him I did eventually want to work on it and push through it to overcome my past/demons, but that he might need to guide and help me with it. I told him recently I thought I was ready to begin trying to overcome it and during a session later that night I begged for the first time. I absolutely sucked at it and it was extremely difficult- it took me around ten minutes for three or four sentences. But Sir was patient with me and was very proud of me for trying with it, and since then I think there's been a further two times and each time he said I'm getting better and better with it. *blushes*

2. Where was the last place you bought something, and what did you buy?
Yesterday at a discount shop nearby to my home. Off the top of my head I remember buying potatoes, tuna, bread, sausages, mince, dog and cat food, irn bru and a pizza. I'm sure there were a few other bits but I can't remember what- yesterday was a boring food shop.

3. What's your height?
5'2. Well, just a teensy bit under..5'1 and 3/4

4. What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
I tend to stick to kids prducts lately like johnsons or little angels as I'm really senstive due to eczma on my scalp And those are sesntive to the skin. Before this I always used either tressme or strawberry scented shampoo/conditioner.

5. Have you ever gone streaking?
Hahahahaha. Sophia dared me to streak my street a month or two ago. I was drunk so I thought it was the funniest idea ever at the time and did it..and the day after I didn't even know/remember until rereading Skype history HAHA
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Last edited by IceMaiden; 11-12-2014 at 04:05 AM.
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