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Old 10-19-2014, 03:29 PM   #6
Happy Me
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Thumbs up Dom6BDSM's Dare

Originally Posted by Dom6BDSM View Post
Try and estimate how long it takes for you to get one orgasm.

For each 10s it will take you will put one clothespin on your breasts.

When they have been applied start the countdown timer for the given time.
You now have that time to try and get to orgasm with your Big purple dildo vibrator.

A) If you get it before timer runs out you may remove any excess clothespins (that was more then the ones needed before you came.) and if its very close your just must remove 1.

Spread your legs and give your pussy 1 hit each with your wooden spoon with any excess time (that is one for evey clothes pin your removed).

Now try and redo and give yourself an additional O with the last O time as the new time to beat. Redo from step A

B) If you fail to get an O before times runs out - open your legs and give your pussy one each for every clothespins left... however this time with your bath brush.

After doing B remove any remaining clothes pins.

Have fun.
YAY! Thank you Dom6BDSM!

I thought my clit could use a little break after the last dare, so I skipped to yours. It was a little bit hard for me to understand, so if I did it wrong, tell me and I will do it again! Also, if you want to change the details and ask me to do it again, after you read my report (which I know will be really short), feel free!

I estimated ahead of time that one gspot orgasm would take me 20 seconds. So, I put on 2 clothespins, started a stopwatch, and started fucking myself with my big purple dildo. My boobs were still sore from the last dare, so even 2 clothespins kind of hurt more than they should have!

The first orgasm came at 19 seconds. I did a very good estimation! Honestly, I should have inserted the dildo first, because I swear it took a good 3-4 seconds to get the dildo in.

I took off one clothes pin, and spanked my pussy with the wooden spoon one time. Honestly, I kind of like pussy spanks, and the wooden spoon is pretty mild, so I was kind of hoping for more (though I knew I wouldn't get them with this task... for reasons which I am sure are now obvious. )

The second orgasm came at 16 seconds, so I didn't need to do any spanks with the bathbrush (boooo). I think, however, that I was supposed to take off the last clothespin and spank once with the spoon, so I did that!

This task was really fast and fun! Thank you so much!

Orgasm count so far: 5
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.

Last edited by Happy Me; 10-19-2014 at 03:31 PM.
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