Thread: Fiction: Right down the hall
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Old 10-13-2014, 04:26 PM   #4
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Holy shit what? We're they just fucking? No they would have to be a bit more naked for that. What was going on here? And how can I exploit this.

"Well. That certainly confirms what I have always suspected." I said out loud with pure glee.

"It's not what you think Anja." James said, slightly dejected. He wishes it was.

"I spilled some oil on my shirt and I had to take it off." Rosy said. She had her back turned to me as soon as I walked in. She was standing face forward, putting her breasts on a catwalk for James when I walked in, but turns away as soon as I arrive?

"Uh huh. And then decided, i'll just stay like this?" I asked mockingly.
"No of course not! I was literally about to go change." She answered in defense.
"Is that why James went to check the hallway? So that you two could get your freak on?" I asked once more playfully.
"No-!" Rosy yelled once more before I interrupted once again.

"Hey, it's none of my business. I just wanted to microwave some food, but i'll come back later and let you two get on with it." I said with a wink as I turned away.

Remember what I said about exploiting this situation? Well James clearly had a thing for Rosy and this was reinforced by the fact that as I interrogated Rosy, he had slowly moved backwards to her side. To protect her. He was nearly standing next to her and she had shifted sideways while talking to me.

As I turned around, I secretly pulled out my phone and turned to the camera.

"I'll just be on my way then." I said absentmindedly. As soon as the camera finished loading I spun around, and snapped a photo of the lovely couple.


"HEY WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed. Did she seriously just take a picture of me?

"I wonder what the house master will think of this? Fornication in the kitchen. My my." Anja said evilly. She had the biggest shit eating grin on her face.
"He would never believe you!" James yelled. He didn't sound too genuine though.
"You want to take that risk?" Anja replied, still as smug as ever.

"What do you mean risk? What are we risking?" I asked confrontationally. She was NOT going to blackmail ME.

"Listen, I will put this camera phone down, on the counter away from me. That way I can't take any pictures. I want you to take off that bra Mrs. Rosy, then I will hand my phone to you and you can delete the picture yourself." Anja finally answered.


Rosy had the biggest look of shock on her face. She was holding her shoulders, covering up her body as much as she could.

"Come on girl. Let James finally see what he has always dreamt about." she added. I was switching my view from Anja to Rosy and back to Anja. I looked at Rosy again when our gazes met. We both quickly broke off and looked away from each other.

Anja, still looking smug as ever, was clearly enjoying this.

"Anja come on, it's not what you think-" I tried to say defensively.
"Put the phone on the counter." Rosy said defeated.
"Rosy you don't have to do thi-"
"It's fine James." Rosy answered.

"Ooooh this is getting saucey isn't it James?" Anja said happily. She sounded super excited. Almost overly so. Anja walked over to the counter and placed her phone down before walking back towards the door.

"Alright! Off with it! James I want you to look straight at them. No looking away now." Anja instructed.
"Oh come on An-" I said before being interrupted by Rosy's gaze. She was just going to go through with it.

"Let's just do it James." Rosy said, looking around the floor. She reached behind her back and her bra went slack. She raised her right hand to her left shoulder and slowly pulled off the strap. She then did the same with her left hand and slowly pulled off her bra at the cups. There they were. I was utterly embarrassed at having to do this and couldn't imagine what Rosy was feeling.

But they were amazing. Perfectly spherical, accentuated from her chest, complimented by her gorgeous form. I kept staring at them but had completely forgotten about Anja's instructions. I was staring on my own will. Rosy was looking away, her face a shade of red as she stared out the window. Her eyes closed, biting her lip in shame.

*snap* That can't be? Her phone is still on the counter?

We both turned to look at Anja, who was holding another camera in her hands.
Looking for a story that's different? Check out IRT Deadliest Roads
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