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Old 04-18-2009, 04:33 PM   #4
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
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Blog Entries: 69

John was surprised that anyone agreed to the game, but he wasn't going to say that in case anyone backed out. While Laura was in the bathroom, from which now and then a large giggle would erupt, the rest of the players were laying down some ground rules.
"First of all we're playing it here, I'm not having this dress get muddy out in the woods." Stated Hana.
"And we should have a limit on the strength of the dares, I know what you boys are like." Holly whined.
"That's no fun!" Moaned Giles,
"Well what if were democratic about it and voted, if someone doesn't like a dare, the group decides if it should be carried out, then if it should and the person refuses we should have a set forfeit." Suggested John.
"I agree with... sorry John is it?" Holly flashed a smile john's way, it was then that John noticed that Holly had sparkling green eyes that complimented her dark hair and were accentuated by the low cut green dress she was wearing, with buttons down the front, he could see an ankle of green tights between the long dress and the red shoes. he couldn't help wandering what else was under that dress. But from the way things were going he didn't think that was going to be found out.
"What should the forfeit be?" Enquired Edward, slightly licking his lips. "I think the forfeitee should remove an item of clothing." He instantly got a look of disdain from both Holly and Hana and he withdrew the idea.
"Welll I thinks that the forfei..whatever should have a shot of something, says Sambuca?" The only person who didn't seem happy with Giles suggestion was Hana, who raised a hand.
"Ahh, I don't drink!"
"Come on sis lighten up, were all sensible around here apart from maybe Giles and Beth, we'll look after you, besides it's only if you don't do the dare and we'll be voting on that."
"Well... I suppose if were voting then the dares shouldn't be too bad, fine, but I don't like liquorice, is there something else we'd be allowed to have, say a sip of wine?"
"I'd say it should be equivalent strength, so anything around the 40% mark is fair." motioned John.
"It's ok sis, we have loads of flavoured stuff, you won't even taste the alcohol."
"Fine whatever, I'm sure I can handle a shot if I need to."
It was at that moment that the bathroom door creaked open, the three girls came out, looking a bit sheepish, but still giggling a bit. Beth was being propped up by Laura and Tina.
"Right boys and girls are we ready to play?" Bellowed Laura.
"Is Beth okay? I don't want her to be sick over this carpet!" Hana urged.
Beth much cleaned up now was wearing a now slightly damp black jumper which was clinging to her ample frame, the tips of her long brown hair were also a bit damp, but her blue eyes still had a shine to them, she patted the knees of her jeans.
"Much better out than in that's what they say." She laughed, "I'll be fine, I'm feeling a lot better and the bathrooms right there if I need it."
"ok, I'll trust you, but if you start to go green them I'm marching you straight into that bathroom. How about you tina how's that white dress?"
"Ruined, this stain will never come out."
"At least it matches your hair." Edward snorted. It got him an evil glance from Tina who's dark eyes seemed intensified by the red aura of her hair, Edward flinched and Tina then stuck out her tongue and giggled.
"I'll get you back for that remark later Edward!" A sinister grin appeared.
"Well it would appear that everyone is ready, let's all sit in a circle on the floor and decide who's going first!" Urged Laura.
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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