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Old 04-18-2009, 08:03 AM   #1
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default One new years eve (Fiction)

Location: A quiet suburb in Oxford.
Date: 31st December 2008.

7:00pm: John, 21, 5'11, 12 stone. Was sitting in a taxi, a private hire red Rover 200, grey trim interior. His destination was 12 forfeituer lane, the taxi had taken him from his home in Headington and was heading up Old Road towards shotover a large nature reserve from which one had the view of the great towering stacks of Didcot power station. The taxi was going at steady 20mph, the weather outside was grey, but it had stopped raining hours before and the clouds were starting to clear up, thining to white fluff in patches, it was a unseasonably warm temperature of 15 degrees Celcius.
7:03pm: the taxi turned off old road down a long road, driving past several houses on the right hand side, all detached in red brick style with nice large driveways and large garages to the side. On the left was a high hedge with fields beyond leading up to a tree line in the distance.
7:05pm: the taxi pulled up to a large metal gate up on the left, very near the end of the road. John reached into his jeans pocket and drew out his black leather wallet, he removed a £10 note and passed it to the driver.
"Here you go, keep the change, thanks."
He opened the door and got out of the taxi, his smart black shoes stepped onto the concrete road, he slammed the door gently and proceeded up to the buzzer on the gate, he pressed the button. a few moments later there was a response.
"hello" a high pitched girls voice tinned through the speaker.
"Hi I'm John, Edwards friend, he told me to come along tonight, said something about a houseparty?"
"Come on up, I'll buzz the gate." With that the centre of the gate unlatched with a mechanical twang and automatically opened, John strode through the gate and it began to close behind him. He looked around to see a large pebbled path beneath him, the area around was enclosed by a large 10 foot hedge, with flat grass, the occasional tree and up ahead was the house. The house was a very large building with three visible floors, large bay windows and a planked wood effect on the exterior painted a dark brown, in front of the house several cars were parked haphazardly, but they kept the path clear. He walked down to the house.
7:10pm John reached the front door and pressed the bell. A moment later the door swung inwards and he was greeted by a youngish looking woman of perhaps her late twenties, wearing a rather crisp dark blue uniform, with knee length skirt and a white shirt, with black shoes, she had a black butterfly shaped pin in her raven black hair.
"Hello can I help you sir?"
" Hi, I was invited by my friend Edward, he said something about a new years eve party, I hope I have the right place." He beemed the maid a smile.
"Come in, your name is on the guest list, we are expecting you, please follow me." With that she opened the door fully and stood behind it and beckoned john inwards. He stepped inside and the maid closed the door behind him and then proceeded forwards. What lay around John now was a large Foyer, the tall wodden walls dressed in large paintings, the odd animal head and a few photographs, the floor was black and white checkered marble, at the back of the room was a large staircase and to either side of that large oak doors painted black. He followed the maid up the stairs and through a large set of double doors at the top, this led to a large beige carpeted room, a fireplace at the far end, the white walls of this room were decorated with film posters in classic black frames, there were about three black leather sofas as well as the odd wooden desk, a large plasma screen TV above the fireplace showing Friends and sitting on one of those sofas facing towards the tv was a girl with long blonde hair, she stood up and turned around, John could now see her pretty face with large brown eyes, soft red lips and a small delicate nose, she was wearing a long pink dress, with a buckle on the front, the dress was very smart to the eye and almost business like if not for the colour, she also had long white gloves and black pumps.
"Thank you Cynthia, you may go now." The maid curtseyed and went back through the large doors behind John, closing them behind her. "Hello John, welcome to Troy, sorry that's what I call this place, my name's Hana, please come over here and sit down and I'll tell you about the party." john began to walk forward towards Hana, he was perhaps shaking a bit because he was a little shy, especially in front of such a pretty girl, he reached the sofa and Hana sat back down, John sat on the sofa to the left facing Hana.
"Can I take your jacket?" She pointed to the smart black suit jacket that John was wearing.
"That's Ok I like to keep it on, I keep a lot of stuff in it, are you really friends with Edward?" Some slight disbelief in his voice as he knew Edward to be a bit of geek, well more than John was. She giggled.
"Edwards my brother, didn't he tell you he lived here? Well before he moved out to his own place." Her soft melodious voice soothed john into a more comfortable stance.
"I guess he forgot to mention it, I know John from Uni, we were both on the same course at Brooke's." She giggled again.
"Edward's not comfortable telling people that his parents are this well off, he must trust you a great deal to let you come here, he doesn't bring many people back to the house, most of the people here tonight are friends of mine from college, I'm just finishing my a-levels this year, but you must be thirsty, come with me to the ballroom and you can get a drink at the bar, you're one of the first to arrive."
"Sorry if I'm early, Edward said things would kick off around 7." He stammered slightly.
"You're fine, you know how everyone likes to fashionably late, I can't stand it, I hate waiting for things, but it can't be helped, please follow me." She got up and walked towards the door at the back left of the room.
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