Thread: Isabel's Phone
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Old 12-28-2008, 03:25 PM   #2
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Default Chapter 2: Having a Talk

“Fine,” Isabel said, “I'm sitting, now who are you?”

The voice on the other end sighed, “You don't know me, but here, I'll give you a bit of comfort, go to your window and look down to the street,”

Isabel slowly walked towards the window, looking down onto the street below. People were walking along the street up and down, and from her apartment four floors up she couldn't see anyone she recognized. Eventually she spotted a person wearing a large jacket waving at her from the other side of the street. Isabel couldn't see his face, or even that it was a man, though she assumed he was by the sound of his voice.

“Good, you've spotted me,” The man said, as she watched him flag down a taxi, “Now, so you know I mean no harm, I'm going away,” And he did, riding the taxi away.

“So now you've seen me, hear me out for a moment, then, if you wish, you may hang up and I will never call you, nor bother you again, fair?”

“Fine,” Isabel said, still afraid but curious enough to listen. Curiosity was always a fault of hers.

“Wonderful,” the man said, “Now, as I've said, you do not know me. I do, however, know you. Not personally, of course. No, I know you deeper down that that. I know what you want. And I can give it to you,”

“You called to tell me I won the lottery?” Isabel interrupted.

“You agreed to hear me out, do not interrupt,” He continued on, speaking calmly and cleanly, “but you have won the lottery, but the prize is not money. The prize is better than that. I know you, you're bored. You're tired. You go to work everyday, working your shifts, sitting in the same seat, teaching the same lessons, going to all the same places with the same old friends. You have no excitement in your life.

“Moreover, you are hungry for it. You know what you want from life, but you're too busy and too poor to be able to find your excitement. And what you want, you're too scared to get.”

“Oh yeah?” Isabel interrupted again, “and what is that?”

“Interrupt again, and I shall hang up and we shall never speak again,” the man said calmly. Isabel was to curious at this point to risk that, and he knew it, “Every so often, you look at your empty bed, and you feel lonely. Occasionally you feel horny, with nothing to quench it, and your mind drifts. You imagine beautiful men, with a strong, gentle touch. You imagine their perfection, and how they would do anything for you. And you would do anything for them. And you do. Everything they ask. They tie you up and hold you down, every night in your dreams. And two years ago you heard a friend talking about her friend who was into domination, and from then on you've fantasized. Once or twice you even started to look it up online. You've wanted it, but you're too afraid to pursue it, so I've come to you,”

Isabel wanted to interrupt again. He was right, but she'd never told anyone. At first she thought he was some creep, but when he mentioned what she overheard two years ago...

“So now your choice is simple. If you hang up now, I will never bother you again, and we will both go on, imagining this never happened. Or, you can stay on the line, and agree to obey me without question. You will agree to do everything I ask, and in return you will have what you've wanted for so long, and have been so afraid to seek. I am going to put the phone down for five minutes, after which I will pick it up and explain the rules to you, if you are still on the line,”

Isabel heard the sound of his phone being placed on something hard, such as a table. She had so many questions. Her heart was beating jackhammer. Her stomach was tied in knots. She was terrified, but at the same time she wanted desperately to stay on the line. She only had five minutes to decide, probably only four by now. On one hand she knew she should just play it safe and hang up, but on the other hand she'd played it safe all her life. She knew if she hung up now, she'd wonder about it for the rest of her life. Three more agonizing minutes went by.

“Isabel? Are you there?” He spoke into his phone.

After a moment, she spoke into hers, quietly and nervously, “Yes, I'm here.”
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