getDare Truth or Dare

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daremaster 1 12-11-2011 07:00 PM

Im so glad you started a new story, anywas nice chapter!

collegeboy 12-21-2011 03:41 PM

Blake and Eden (IX)
Nonetheless, Blake eventually succumbed to the pressure of his peers.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Eden," introduced Evan, then pointing at each of the guys gathered around Eden's image on the computer screen, he added, "This is Dustin and Zach, who live across the hall, and my roommate Troy."

"She looks hot," Dustin whispered admiringly in Blake's ear.

As Blake elbowed Dustin in the ribs, Eden waved with a smile, somewhat surprised to see all the guys, "Nice to meet you. What are you guys up to?"

"Just hanging out," Blake replied, "Nothing much."

"Actually, we just started playing a little game of truth or dare," chimed in Zach.

"Really, Zach?" asked Blake, "You have to bring that up?"

"What?" asked Zach, who had also just become another recipient of an elbow in the ribs, "It's the truth, isn't it? You're not embarrassed to be honest with your girlfriend, are you?"

Thinking about how cute Blake looked when he felt uncomfortable, Eden laughed and asked the guys, "Which one of you wants a dare from me then?"

"Give Zach one," suggested Blake, "He's the one who brought it up."

Zach looked at Eden's face on Blake's computer as she offered him his dare, "All right, Zach. My roommate Kristen should be back from class any minute now. I dare you to ask her if she'll play truth or dare with you."

daremaster 1 12-21-2011 05:42 PM

Fuck yeah! Can't wait to see what happens.

collegeboy 01-19-2012 04:38 PM

Blake and Eden (X)
"Here she comes now," Eden told the guys on the computer before turning around to talk to her roommate, who she had heard opening the door, "Hi! How's it going?"

"Nothing exciting," said Kristen, "Class is what it is. Is that Blake you're talking to?"

"He and some friends of his," Eden answered, "Want to say hello?"

The guys greeted Kristen as she leaned in over Eden's shoulder, smiling and waving.

"I think Zach there has something he wants to ask you, Kristen."

"What?" asked Kristen, feeling both surprised and curious, "Which one is Zach?"

"I am," said Zach bashfully, as Blake, Troy, and Dustin all pointed at him.

"What can I do for you, Zach?" Kristen asked playfully.

"Well, we'd started kind of playing a little game of truth or dare, and I was wondering," Zach stumbled through the words, "I mean, I was going to ask you if you'd like to, you know, play with us or whatever."

"You're playing truth or dare?" Kristen replied, "I haven't done anything like that since back in middle school when I used to have slumber parties with my friends."

"So, do you want to give him a dare then?" asked Dustin, hoping Zach would receive some embarrassment in exchange for the spanking he had forced upon Dustin.

Kristen laughed, "It does sound interesting, but right now I'm supposed to be meeting with my boyfriend. Maybe another time, guys."

"We might hold you to that," Troy told her as she departed.

collegeboy 02-02-2012 06:54 PM

Blake and Eden (XI)
The truth or dare game dissolved shortly after Kristen's departure. Yet, in the end, the guys did hold Kristen to her promise of "maybe another time." Several weeks later, another game was finally arranged. Zach and Dustin met Blake and Troy in their dorm room one Saturday afternoon, joined this time by Sophie, the girlfriend Troy had convinced to join in the fun. Blake logged into his computer and was greeted by Eden along with her roommate Kristen. Additionally, Kristen had invited her boyfriend Chase to join them, who had in turn brought along his friend Spencer as well as Spencer's roommate Levi. They all crowded around the two computer monitors, so that everyone could be introduced to one another. A thrilling and unique long-distance truth or dare experience was about to begin. Both dorm rooms were filled with anticipation.

"So, Kristen," Troy began, "I believe when we left off last time you still owed our friend Zach here a dare."

Given that this game had been planned in advance, Kristen benefitted from having had plenty of time to devise what she considered to be the perfect opening dare as she challenged Zach, "I dare you kiss your roommate."

The others laughed as a look of disgust stretched across Dustin's face, "Why am I being brought into this?"

"Make sure it's passionate and on the lips," added Kristen, mischievously delighted by Dustin's protests.

"I don't guess we have much choice," Zach looked sympathetically at Dustin, who smiled back meekly.

"Get on with it then," urged Blake.

"Yeah," chimed in Spencer, "You going to do the dare or not?"

The others all watched intently as Zach and Dustin reluctantly approached one another. Quickly and awkwardly, their lips met as they shared a brief kiss which seemed unending, but in actuality only lasted a few seconds. As the two boys broke apart, the tension in the room broke away. The game was on. With the first dare complete, they all shared an unspoken understanding about how things would be going down. Let the fun begin.

daremaster 1 02-02-2012 07:17 PM

Collageboy, you are amazing!

collegeboy 02-15-2012 07:24 PM

Blake and Eden (XII)
There was something about the kiss that intrigued and fascinated Levi. He could not take his eyes away from Zach and Dustin as they completed the homoerotic dare, but especially Zach. There was something about Zach that made Levi feel as if a thousand tiny butterflies were fluttering around against the walls of his stomach. He suddenly found himself feeling quite jealous of Dustin, who probably didn't even appreciate the kiss he had just received from such a cute guy.

"Levi," said Spencer, nudging his roommate's shoulder, "You with us man? It's your turn."

"W-what?" asked Levi, once more aware of the world around him.

"Zach chose you for the next truth or dare," explained Chase, "What'll it be?"

Levi wavered for a moment, almost picking dare, but ended up chickening out and saying, "Truth."

"Tell us about the last person you had sex or made out with. Was she hot? What did you do?"

"Umm," Levi blushed, feeling extremely awkward as his cheeks turned red, but he knew he had to answer truthfully, "The last person was a guy, not a girl, actually."

"Oh," Zach apologized, "Sorry, man. I just assumed..."

"It's all right," said Levi, though he couldn't bring himself to raise his head to look any of the others in the eye, "We kind of dated for a little bit until he got back with his ex."

Eden watched Levi empathetically, patting his shoulder and trying to ease his discomfort by moving the game along, "That makes it your turn to challenge someone now then, Levi."

As the game continued, Levi's embarrassment dimmed as the others were dared to complete increasingly humiliating tasks. Levi dared Troy to give himself a wedgie. Troy dared Eden to make out with Kristen for thirty seconds, stipulating that they should use plenty of tongue, much to the arousal of the onlooking boys. Eden then dared Sophie to take Troy's rectal temperature using the thermometer which was stored, either conveniently or inconveniently depending on how one looked at it, in his and Blake's first aid kit. Somewhat reluctantly, Troy lowered his pants enough for his girlfriend to complete the dare, feeling quite uncomfortable as he exposed his rear to the group. As each member of the group was subjected in turn to various embarrassing truth and dares, inhibitions within both rooms were quickly fading away.

daremaster 1 02-15-2012 07:29 PM

OMG! Love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) <3

amenablerebel 02-15-2012 10:18 PM

You are seriously such an amazing writer. I love how you subtly tie in your other story.

collegeboy 02-16-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by amenablerebel (Post 626036)
You are seriously such an amazing writer. I love how you subtly tie in your other story.

Thanks! The opportunity for a tie-in with Levi was large part of my motivation for writing another story in the first place. Of course, I hoped the long-distance truth or dare experiences of Blake, Eden, and their friends might make for a cute little story, but I also wanted to offer a glimpse of Levi's life when he's not around Ben.

For any who might be unaware, the character Levi makes his first appearance in my much longer story of Ben and Evan.

collegeboy 02-29-2012 05:03 PM

Blake and Eden (XIII)
"All right, Chase," said Sophie, "You, Spencer, and Levi are friends, right? I dare you guys to strip each other down to your underwear."

The guys' eyes darted from one to another, each trying to gauge the others' response. Spencer was the first to begin lifting his shirt; however, he was quickly interrupted.

"I said strip each other," explained Sophie, emphasizing the final word, "Not yourselves."

"That's kind of gay isn't it," objected Spencer.

"Yeah," Chase chimed in, "Kristen doesn't allow me to take off anyone's clothes but hers."

"Chase!" Kristen glared, slightly embarrassed by her boyfriend's openness, "I think you should go along with the dare just for saying that."

Chase looked at Spencer, shrugged, and then pulled his friend's shirt over his head. After that they continued to work in a circle with Spencer removing Levi's shirt and Levi removing Chase's. In turn, they each bent down to take off one another's shoes and socks. Next, however, they all three hesitated. Taking off their pants would be the worst part, but they knew it had to be done. No one had chickened out of a dare yet. So with much less enthusiasm, Chase unzipped Spencer's pants, pausing a moment before sliding them down to his ankles and helping him step out of them. There was some giggling and heckling from the onlookers as one by one each boy's pants fell to the ground. Soon, all three were left in their underwear: Chase in plaid boxers, Spencer in green boxer briefs, and Levi in plain white briefs.

Less than thrilled by the fact that another guy had just stripped him down to his underwear, Chase was feeling quite mischievous as he challenged the next victim, "Blake, truth or dare?"

"Dare," answered Blake.

"Wet your pants," Chase dared, "Right now in front of us all."

Several gasps echoed from both rooms as Blake stared at his computer monitor, "What? That's... that's too much."

Chase did not respond, but instead smirked smugly as an expression of shock stretched across Blake's face.

"Yeah," said Eden, coming to her boyfriend's defense, "Shouldn't we have some boundaries?"

"A dare is a dare," Spencer replied confidently, "Are you really going to be the first to quit?"

"I think Spencer's right," added Troy, "Still, we won't think badly of you if you want to back out."

Blake's heart pounded inside his chest. Was he seriously considering going through with this?

collegeboy 03-03-2012 11:40 AM

Blake and Eden (XIV)
It took several minutes that seemed like hours before Blake could relax himself body enough for his body to release the warm, steady stream which quickly formed a wet spot in his crotch that trickled all the way down the leg of his pants. He felt like a child who had not yet been potty trained having an accident as nine pairs of eyes watched him wet himself. Still, soon enough, it was done, and Blake was ready to offer someone else a truth or dare, despite the humiliation of his noticeably wet pants.

And so the antics continued. Blake proceeded to dare Kristen to wear her bra and panties on her head for the rest of the game. He kindly allowed her to conceal herself inside the dorm room's tiny closet while she undressed. When she emerged, underwear dangling in her eyes, Kristen posed a truth question to Zach, asking him what member of the same sex in either room he found to be the most attractive. Zach, outwardly straight but inwardly curious, had felt his cheeks burning red as if they were on fire as he admitted that Levi was "kind of cute," a startling revelation which quite thrilled Levi.

Still blushing, Zach hurried to change the subject as he offered Spencer what seemed to be a fairly innocent dare, "I think you should let the girls look through your phone for three minutes."

Eden giggled as Spencer surrendered his phone to her and Kristen, "Hope you don't have any naughty pictures of yourself on here."

As Spencer watched the second hand make its slow journeys around the clock, he heard the girls occasionally release stifled giggles as they flipped through the phone's contents. He wondered what they were up to. Were they looking at his contacts list? Were they reading his texts? Were they viewing all his pictures? Suddenly, the girls' surprised shrieks of "Is that?" and "Oh my!" filled the relatively quiet room. Spencer's heart sank as he realized what they must have found. Eden turned the phone outward toward the group. The picture was small, and the others had to lean in to see, but it showed a guy, who was clearly Levi, stuffed in a locker wearing only a pair of tighty whities just like the ones he had on now.

No one knew what to say, and the room was filled with silence, which Levi broke by asking in a soft, scared whisper, "Where did you get that, Spencer?"

How could Spencer possibly answer that question? Another acquaintance had asked Spencer to help pull a little prank on Levi, even offering to pay him a little money for his assistance. Spencer had foolishly agreed, not fully considering the repercussions. He had known it was wrong, but Levi would never find out, so what harm could it do? Only now Levi had unexpectedly found out.

"I..." Levi awkwardly tried to find the words to justify the picture, "I can explain."

Of course, none of the others were aware of the humiliation Levi had suffered in the locker room on the day that picture was taken, but Levi still felt as if a boulder had hit him. He had never guessed that Spencer, his friend and roommate, had been involved. Nearly in tears, Levi fled from the room, trying to escape the embarrassment, though the damage was clearly already done. Spencer grabbed his phone back and then hung his head in guilt and shame as the others all stared at him. It felt as if judgment was shooting from their eyes like laser beams. Had this really just happened?

collegeboy 03-05-2012 04:28 PM

Blake and Eden (XV)
Even as Spencer had tried to clumsily fumble through an explanation, it had already become clear to everyone present that the truth or dare game was done and finished. No one except Spencer and Levi really understand what was going on, but everyone knew that there was no way for things to be fun anymore, not when things had suddenly gotten so serious.

After the awkward, uncomfortable conclusion to that afternoon, none of the friends ever broached the subject of truth or dare again. As to what became of the Spencer and Levi situation, Eden heard through Kristen who heard it from Chase that the two roommates weren't really on speaking terms anymore, but other than that Blake and Eden never really knew what had happened. Other than that, everything else pretty much returned to the normal routine. Blake and Troy still devoted lengthy sessions to video gaming with Zach and Dustin. Blake and Eden still made the drive to visit one another every weekend, the rest of the week punctuated by regular video chats, which occasionally became more sensual when both their roommates were out. Of course, there was one lingering remnant from the truth or dare game that was never quite forgotten. Eden had a habit of teasing her boyfriend, much to his annoyance, delightfully reminding him how he had wet his pants in front of all their friends.

And so, life went on... It was nearly midnight. Blake had usually left by now. At this rate, it would already be 2:00 a.m. before he got back to his school, which seemed quite late, but right now he didn't really care.

Blake squeezed Eden's hand, asking, "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"

"Come one, Blake," Eden sighed, "My French isn't as good as yours, but you know Kristen will be back from Chase's any minute now."

"I don't see her yet," Blake winked, "Don't you want to die a little tonight?"

"Now that one I do know," answered Eden with a sly grin, "Haven't I already treated you to - what's the phrase - la petite mort?"

"Touche," Blake conceded playfully, "I guess I ought to be going then."

"One last surprise for you," said Eden, coyly lifting her shirt, sporting her ample cleavage, as she leaned toward Blake for a kiss, "Good night, Blake. I love you."

"I love you too," Blake replied, hugging her tightly and affectionately as their lips broke apart.

Blake left the dorm room with a bittersweet smile. It had been a nice day, but saying good bye never got any easier. He was always left wanting more.

"C'est la vie," Blake sighed to himself as he walked to his car.

He still had a long drive ahead of him. How he longed for the time when there would no longer be such a long distance separating the two of them. Such was life.


amenablerebel 03-09-2012 08:45 PM

Fin as in it's over? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :(

collegeboy 03-10-2012 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by amenablerebel (Post 638606)
Fin as in it's over?

Yep. This is really all the story there is to tell here. Hope you enjoyed it.

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