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Old 01-16-2014, 06:27 PM   #203
Happy Me
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Microphone More questions from Straw Dog! :D

Originally Posted by StrawDog View Post
Thank you for introducing me to a new game! I like the name, too!
YAY! It is a great game!

56. Are there any recipes that you have wanted to try for a long time, but not done? What are the reasons for this?
I really can't think of anything that I have always wanted to cook, but have never cooked. I am pretty cooking adventurous!
I have not done many baked sweet goods, and I would like to learn how to do that one well. I think the reason I haven't is that I don't eat much of them?
57. When having outdoors sex, have you ever taken materials from the environment to use in your play; nettles, etc?
No! I don't really know why...
58. Do you like to grow your own herbs for cooking?
Well, I would, but about 9 years ago I got my wonderful tortoiseshell kitty. When I got her I loved keeping my house filled with plants, and had a collection of them. That lasted all of about a month (she was a kitten at the time), because she has some kind of OCD for like... eating plants? No plant survives in my house for longer than like 10 hours!
59. What herbs/spices do you most often use to liven up simple or scratched meals?
My favorites and most used are cilantro, garlic and turmeric root.
60. Would you rather; have fewer edges of the dreaded slow-stroke variety, or more edges but performing them however you prefer?
There are so many variables here! I am going to assume a ration of 2:1.
So, say I had a choice of 3 slow stroke edges, or 6 regular ones? I am fairly certain I would choose 6 regular ones, but I also think it depends on a lot of other things!

Thank you Straw Dog, you are just kind of really awesome.
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.
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