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Old 10-15-2018, 12:35 PM   #4
getDare Succubus
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On a scale of 1-10, 10 being most hated, 1 don't hate it at all, how much do you hate your period?

Why do you hate it so much? If you don't, why not?
Let me count the ways...
  • I used to bleed so heavily I need to change my tampon every 45 minutes or so (while I was at school, no less, and not all teachers let you leave the room to go to the toilet)
  • All period products (tampons, towels, cups) are uncomfortable and expensive, and the ones I need are often not stocked by major supermarkets, so I can't get them with my weekly shop
  • My periods have always been irregular, so I could start bleeding everywhere at any time
  • The whole period taboo rubbish means I can't talk about it within earshot of most men
  • I used to get really bad vertigo and horrible mood swings as part of my PMS. The mood swings (I'd go from euphoric to so depressed I couldn't move at the drop of a hat) were so severe that I thought I had a mental illness
  • It hurts! There are the cramps, sure, but also my genitals get so sore that I want to cry every time anything touches them
  • I have to use birth control to manage my periods. I am glad to no longer bleed so heavily it feels like a haemorrhage, but now I sometimes bleed for months at a time, which is both inconvenient and expensive. Getting birth control can be annoying, as different GP surgeries prescribe slightly different kinds, and each time I take a different pill, it has a three month (minimum) adjustment period, which often involves lots of extra bleeds and other side effects. Some healthcare professionals are very unsympathetic and are therefore reluctant to prescribe birth control simply for period management (though thankfully not all of them are)
  • If I go off my birth control, my bleeds are normal, but my PMS now involves nausea so severe that I cannot get out of bed
  • Accidentally bleeding on your clothes/all over your bed is really annoying
  • Shaving your pussy then coming on a day later really fucking hurts
  • Bleeding when you want to wear nice underwear/have sex is really inconvenient
  • I find it super frustrating having to put up with something I have very little control over, not least because I don't know if I even want kids in future, so my periods feel particularly pointless
...and my periods aren't even that bad compared to some women (look up endometriosis if you haven't heard of it).

Do you get more horny on your period or are there any other positives to having your period?
The only positive about having a period is knowing I'm not pregnant. I did used to get horny at the start of my period, but that was kinda annoying seeing as I generally feel a little icky on my period because of the blood.

Do you or would you have sex while on your period?
I would try if I was in the mood, but I suspect it'd be too painful for me. I've only ever masturbated (without using anything inside me) while on my period and that was fine, but I think penetration would hurt too much.

Do you wish all guys could experience it at least once, so that we know what it's like?
I just wish men would actually listen when women talk to them about periods, particularly seeing as it differs so much from person to person.

Anything else you wish to add about your period?
It sucks. I didn't sign up for this! And even once you're done with periods, there's the menopause to contend with

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Last edited by Siren; 10-15-2018 at 12:40 PM.
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