Thread: Fiction: My Sister's Friends
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Old 08-28-2012, 06:28 PM   #39
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Chapter 12

The girls body language betrayed their discomfort with being naked in front of me. I relished the moment, sitting on the couch and comparing their bodies. Every curve, every blemish, the beauty and the imperfections lay bare before me. I wanted to throw them all on the floor and swim in a sea of naked women.

"Will you start the music already?" whined Rachel.

"Don't you have to get in your starting positions or something?" I asked without my eyes leaving her giant naked breasts.

The girls looked at each other for a second, trying to remember how the dance started. Then Dakota and Sarah moved into position, standing back to back with their arms crossed. Brittany crouched in front of them on one knee. Lindsay and Rachel each stood in front of Dakota and Sarah and leaned forward with their hands on their knees.

A few of the girls were blushing brightly. I laughed and shook my head, then started the music. The girls exploded into every direction. They circled the room, pumping their fists at shoulder height and shaking their bodies. Then Sarah and Dakota embraced in a slow dancing position while Rachel and Lindsay did back bends. At the same time, Brittany was mimicking the slow dance position by herself since Marie was not there to be her partner.

I couldn't decide to laugh until I piss or jerk off. Sarah dipped Dakota and Brittany pretended to dip Marie while Lindsay and Rachel laid on their stomachs facing me and kicked their feet in the air. Then the girls formed a line and started kicking their feet like cancan dancers. Their whole bodies bounced in full naked glory. My dick was so hard.

The dance was way off beat, which caused the girls to get finished about twenty seconds before the end of the song. For their final pose, the other four girls stood in a line and held Dakota lying across their forearms in a modeling pose. I laughed and clapped and whistled as they returned Dakota to her feet. All the girls except Lindsay immediately started hunting for their clothes.

"Wow," I said, "I like it much better that way."

"We didn't even do it right," admitted Lindsay.

"Oh, I didn't mind," I replied laughing, "I especially liked Sarah and Dakota's slow dance and the cancan line. And watching Brittany slow dance naked by herself was hilarious!" Sarah and Rachel laughed with me.

I found watching the girls put their clothing back on to be as exciting as watching them get naked. Their expressions seemed to hold a combination of shame and relief. But before long, all of the girls were in their bras and panties and then they were all dressed. It was time to get back to the game.
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