Thread: Night mode
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Old 04-22-2017, 05:10 PM   #4
the guy
Join Date: May 2011
Location: East Coast
Posts: 63

Originally Posted by LaurasStar View Post
For something like this, i highly recommend f.lux
Its a little program that changes the lighting of your screen depending on daytime, making it resemble electrical light while its dark outside.
Its a lot easier on the eyes, as well as less confusing for your body (because screen regulary emulate sunlight, which can make your body think its still daytime at night and mess up your sleeping schedule for example)
Its also has serveral additional useful functions currently in development (you can already see and use the beta here) like making it warmer and slightly darker towards your bedtime to you help you get ready to sleep, an alert to not stay up too late, and a way to adjust the program to your ambient lighting.

Its great, and its free. Try it
f.lux is a great program and I highly recommend trying it. However I don't think that f.lux is replacement for dark themes. Personally I use a dark theme whenever possible, regardless of the time of day. I just prefer it, easier on the eyes and I guess I'm just used to it now.

Styuls (browser plugin) can inject CSS to sites to allow user created themes to be used on a lot of popular sites.

I may look into making one for getdare but it would be even better if it was an official option/setting.
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