Thread: The Farm
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Old 01-09-2018, 02:07 PM   #8
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The next few chapters get a bit dark, but hopefully still good

The door opens suddenly, and four men walk in holding a table. You hear claps as the man walks through the door. “Congratulations Jessica and thank you. Your friends will make fine additions to my herd” he says and gestures for the men to come in. They walk forward and put down the table. On it are multiple plates of meat, vegetables, drinks and a cake. “Well. One of them will” he chuckles and starts to walk away”
“Thank you, sir,” the girls all say in unison
“Come on girls, tuck in” Jessica says and starts eating
The door closes as the guys leave.
“You girls enjoy, I’m not hungry” says Laura “Don’t eat the meat, be sure to hide it though” and she turns away
“What’s wrong with it?” Jessica says with her mouth full, “it tastes so good”
“Its beef Jess” Laura sighs “We are useful, we make milk. The boys, well what else do cows make?”
Everyone spits it out and steps back from the table
“That… that means we’re… we’re eating Tony!!!” says Jessica whilst sobbing
Chloe turns and throws up in the corner and starts crying “Does that mean… My sons!” she screams
“Don’t worry Chloe, it was too tough to be a baby and there was too much of it” says Jessica “it must have been Tony”
“The cake ish good do” says Andrea with a face stuffed full of cake. She swallows “And it was probably made with our milk”
They all eat the vegetables and the cake and are stuffed and start to drift off into a deep sleep.
The door slams open “You ungrateful cows” the man screams

“What is wrong sir?” asks Jessica putting on a deliberately submissive and soft voice
“After all I do for you. I was so generous. I rewarded you and you throw my kindness back in my face. I will not be so kind again” he says sternly
“It was human meat sir, Please don’t punish us, we are not cannibals” protests Jessica
“Who says it was human?” says the man with a questioning voice
“Please sir, I can tell the difference. Please we will eat anything else you give us. We ate the rest” Jessica says
The man walks forward and kneels next to Jessica “How do you know what human tasted like? How do you know the difference? Please do enlighten me” he says stroking her cheek
“My, my father was a… butcher, I know sir” she stumbles around her words, clearly lying through her teeth.
“Was he now” he laughs and pulls out a piece of meat from his pocket “Eat it” he snaps throwing it at Jessica
“Yes sir” she eats it “that tastes…” a long awkward pause as everyone looks at her “human sir”
“And this” he throws another piece into the ground in front of her. Some dust flows up and covers the meat
“Yes sir” she moves her head down and eats it off the ground. “That is animal sir” she says
“Interesting, you can tell the difference you say? But you were wrong, they are both animal so I ask again” and his voice goes deeper with a much darker tone “why didn’t you eat the meal?” He reaches out and grabs Rosie out of Jessica’s arms
“We ate what we wanted sir, we were not trying to disrespect you” she says holding onto Sara tightly
“Hmm, what a pretty baby, shame really” he says and walks away
“Please not, I beg you. Please” Jessica screams
The door closes behind him. Jessica starts to cry, Sara starts to cry into Jessica’s chest. “Now what?” she cries out.
“I, I, I don’t know” cries Laura
Jessica puts Sara down and walks towards Laura. “Yes. You. Do.” And she slaps her. Laura falls to the ground
“I’m sorry” Laura cries, holding her face
“Thanks to you I am losing a baby, an innocent life is slaughtered. My daughters blood is on your hands bitch” Jessica screams and walks away
Laura stands up and shouts “Thanks to me you didn’t eat the man who saved you and brought you back to your baby, your girlfriend and your friends. The only people that have ever cared about you” She walks away
Jessica continues to walks away, Andrea runs up to Jessica “I’m so sorry” she says
Jessica walks to the door and cries out “oh god I would do anything to get my baby back” she waits “please sir” she slumps down against the door and starts to sob. Andrea walks away, picks up the still crying Sara and walks away leaving Jessica on her own.
Likes:, pee, bondage, discrete public, rope, forced play
Cross dressing, pain, blackmail
Limits: face pics, scat, extreme public (family and nudity) sounding
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