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Old 10-23-2021, 10:14 AM   #40
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 163
Blog Entries: 14

Did you get spanked as a child?

If yes, did you benefit from it or do you resent your spanker?
I don't really think about it now, but as a kid it was scary

What is the most disturbing thing that turns you on?
Probably (consensual) rape fantasies. I was with a girl who liked that kind of thing and it was definitely hot. Would never actually rape someone though, consent only.

Would it be legal for you to perform your wildest fantasy?
Not where I live

If you began masturbating with the object to your left, would it make you cum?
Well there is kleenex to my left so kind of lol

Have you ever gotten drunk and done something embarrassing?
Who hasn't?

If yes, what?
A sexual experience where I made a fool out of myself after it was over

Would you rather, be caught every time you masturbated by a parent/sibling or announce to your family every time you were about to masturbate?
I guess the second? At least it could be passed off as a joke

Do you get aroused by inanimate objects such as chairs, etc?

If you could suck yourself off, would you?
Any guy who says they wouldn't is lying

Where did you buy/get the underwear that you're wearing right now?
Various places

What would your reaction be if your parents/siblings had just gone through your whole computer: Pics, videos, documents, internet history etc?
I wouldn't be happy

If you stripped naked right now, would you get embarrassed?
I'm already naked

What's the minimal amount of clothing you'd wear in public?
I've been completely nude in public so that would be it haha

Have you ever been caught looking at another guys dick at a urinal?

Has anyone that wasn't supposed to, ever seen you with an erection?
not that I know of

What was the most awkward erection you've ever had?
Swimming pool

Do you feel better being treated like lesser of a person?
In a sexual situation maybe but otherwise no

Type in 'X' into your browser and copy and paste the first website that shows up: "Xfinity"

If you inserted an object into your ass right now, would it come out clean or dirty? Clean probably

Would you go out in public looking the way you do now?
If it was legal sure
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