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Old 09-18-2021, 05:17 PM   #10
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by sarah3245 View Post
These are more for people who have limited resources.
__________________________________________________ ____________

A) What will you wear?
1: Regular clothing
2: Three pairs of underwear/panties.
3: Diaper
(If you do not have a diaper just put on 4 layers of underwear/panties and stuff shirts/pants/towels down the space between each pair.)
4: One pair of underwear and 5 pairs of socks.
5: Sock on dick
6: Naked

B) How much will you drink? (cup = large cup of your choice)
1: Nothing ()
2: 1 cup
3: 3 cups
4: 1 cup every hour
5: 3 cups every hour
6: 1 cup every 15 minutes

C) Challenges.
1: No holding crotch area (1 more glass every time you do.)
2: No crossing legs (1 1/2 more glasses every time you do.)
3: 1 & 2
4: No squirming (.5 cups every time you do.)
5: 4 & 3
6: 5 & 3

D) How much time will you be holding it for?
1: 1 hour (Lucky)
2: 3 hours
3: 4 hours
5: 5 hours
6: 6 hours (I doubt you can do it)

E) Where will you release it if you finish?
1: Sink
2: bathtub (through clothing)
3: Front yard
4: Back yard
5: kitchen floor (though clothing)
6: Park (through clothing)
__________________________________________________ ______________

If Fail) Keep clothing on for the time given below. No taking off the clothing, even to poo.
1: 2 hours
2: 3 hours
3: 3 1/2 hours
4: 5 hours
5: 6 1/2 hours
6: 8 hours
__________________________________________________ ______________

Well that pretty much covers peeing for the poor. Tell me how you did down there VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i got 1, 5, 3. 5, 2, 2
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