Thread: Fiction: My Two Best Friends
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Old 08-01-2020, 08:11 PM   #42
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Default Chapter 16: We Need To Talk

Chapter 16: We Need To Talk

Wednesday, 9:30 P.M, Adam

Hey guys, I think the three of us need to talk. I stared at my phone, dismayed at the words I was reading from Jess. She had sent it in our group chat several minutes ago and I still didn’t know how to respond or even what to think about it. Was she mad at me for how I treated Anna? Was she mad at Anna for what she did to me? Did Anna even tell her; is this about something else? About Tony? How does Anna feel about it? Shit, I bet she hates me now too, probably thinks I’m just as bad as Tony. No, that’s crazy, I didn’t do anything wrong. She’s probably just embarrassed about everything and Jess just senses something is wrong, especially with the way I left so quickly. That must be what this was about… but was it? Flip, I don’t know.

I know both of you have already read this twenty minutes ago and are probably just ignoring it so I’ll just go ahead put it out there. A lot has happened since last night that I think we need to clear up, not to mention all the plans for Friday night that we still need to decide on so I have an idea. Let’s all skip school tomorrow and go have some fun! God knows we need a bit of that right now. I think we should go on a hike, there’s nothing like being in nature to clear the mind. I’ll pack a picnic for all of us and we can just hide out from the world for a few hours. It’ll be fun, trust me.

At least she doesn’t sound mad. After another minute of thinking I decided to respond. I agree, sounds like fun. I wondered if Anna would be up for this also and what she would say when I saw another message pop up. Okay was all it said.

Perfect! I thought we could meet at like 9 at the place we went to last summer with the waterfall and those comfy benches nearby that I read at for a little while.

A little while?! Anna and I were left to entertain ourselves for hours while Jess finished her book that she couldn’t put down because “there was only, like, fifteen minutes tops left.” It was a pretty nice hike though and the place was beautiful, not to mention swimming in the pool under the waterfall and the fact the hike was long enough that there were only two or three groups that came the whole time we were there. With it getting pretty late into fall it would be too cold to swim but that would also mean nobody would be on that trail, especially on a weekday.

Ill be there, as long as you don’t make us watch you read till they have to send a search party for us like last time

Oh please, it was not that long, stop being such a baby

I was hoping Anna would chime in and back me up but it seemed she wasn’t planning on joining in the conversation. Whatever you say, just don’t bring a book this time lol

No promises, you no how much I hate being without one! Plus I may need it to knock some sense into you two

Knock some sense into me? What did I do wrong? Whatever, I’m sure I'll get full lecture about it tomorrow. Make sure you bring a paperback then

How does War and Peace sound?

I noticed Anna had still not responded after her one word okay, she probably doesn’t want to be getting messages from me right now, right? I decided to go to just texting Jess off the group chat so not to bother her. After a few more back and forth quips between us I started to drift off so I figured I’d tell her goodnight.

Hey Adam, just thought I’d let you know so you didn’t stay up worrying all night You reacted completely reasonably and Anna’s upset but I know she’ll get over it, she just needs some time after everything with Tony.

Thanks for that, all I’ve been doing all evening is worrying. Well, besides punching Tony that is lol

You punched Tony!!! What happened?!?!

Don’t worry, Ill tell you all about it tomorrow. I’m sure that’s a story Anna would want to hear too

You’re right, can’t wait! Goodnight Adam

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