Thread: Hypnosis
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Old 03-12-2020, 06:54 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by MasterMichaelNY View Post
I just wanted to toss in here about gas lighting. It's a broad term, and it deals with manipulation. I can blindfold a slave and have them stand on a plank, and then tell them, I'm going to lift the plank with my friend, but I want you to keep your balance and stay on the plank, also your going to be very close to the ceiling, so be careful.

Then you and the other person, rocks the plank, and you tell the girl, she is almost all the way up at the ceiling, go on and reach up and touch it. Then when the person reaches up, I hold a book up over there hand, so they feel something solid and flat. The slave thinks there 5 feet above the ground, but they are only 3 inches off the ground. That's a form of gas lighting.

Also what you don't know, gas lighting is very common. Take a look at commercials on TV, that's a form. You drop into a alter state, and the commercial comes on, and if you notice, commercials seem to be louder than your regular program.

Another common form is billboards on the side of the highways or interstates. You hypno yourself with the road, and a billboard goes by. Guess what, you just been programed to like Hilton Hotels.

NOW here's a question

Let's think for a second, commercials and billboards. Do they seek out your permission to be programed in your mind? Of course not.

Now why is that. When your hypo by a person, your guard never goes down. So in other words you can't be programed to do something you don't want to do from the start. Unless you want to talk about some Military dark projects, were LSD was involved, but all in all, your guard is always up.

Now for commercials and billboards. Here your guard is down. Your watching TV with your family, you feel safe. Safe is the key word. When your on the interstate or highway, and there is no traffic, you feel safe, so the billboards work then. But if your stuck in stop and go traffic, and your watching your space between yourself and the car in front of you. The billboard is useless.

Let me stop now, i'm writing a book.

Any thoughts, this is a great subject to talk about.
I really liked your description of things and I agree.

We just have to remember that you can get that same safe feeling with people. It is totally possible to have your guard down when being hypnotized by a person. The unconscious observer keeps an ear out and is fully capable of stopping things. However, you can use other manipulation tactics to get someone to do something they may not have originally wanted to do. That involves conditioning, and also being an abusive asshole that is breaking consent.
Mini. 30. She/Her.

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