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Old 01-16-2019, 05:18 PM   #345
Diapered Devil
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 6

So this is a kinda simple idea which could go very bad for you...but since you like art and messing im sure you wont mind!

Only attempt this dare if you haven't used the toilet for number 2's at least 24 hours in advance and have drunk 1 liter of water.

Firstly you're going to put on one diaper. Make sure you have access to a glass of water which you can refill. At the end of this dare you might face a punishment. You will continue to wear a diaper for at least 6 hours after you complete the game.

Next load up this fun easy to play drawing game:

Hit quickplay or create your own room. Familiarize yourself with the game and the rules before starting.

Now here are the rules:
  • You will continue playing this game for at least 1 hour
  • Every time you are not in the top 50% of people to identify the drawing adds another 3 hours onto the amount of time you will be wearing diapers (maximum 30 hours - void if spoilers before 50% of people have answered).
  • Every time you fail to identify a drawing you will drink a glass of water.
  • If you draw a picture and anyone fails to identify it add another diaper onto your package after cutting holes in it (max 5 if thin, 4 if thick).
  • If you cheat by writing anything in the drawing when its your turn take the punishment.
  • If you ask for help from others in identifying a drawing you will take the punishment.
  • If less than half the people in the room fail to identify your drawing take the punishment.


After you finish your game you will take an enema - you will take 1l for every diaper you have on you (if thats more than 3 you can take to seperate enemas with a two hour interval between).

NOTE: This is a bit experimental and i only found the game the other day - if any of the rules become unreasonable don't get too upset! I believe you can make private might be worth sharing it with people on here? or maybe even people irl - after all they wont know you're suffering
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