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Old 01-31-2018, 08:23 PM   #12
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1. What is your gender?
2. At home do you have a bath or shower or both?
3. How often do you take a bath?
Rarely, uduslly only if in pain or if my girls need a bath rubdown
4. How often do you shower?
Whenever needed
5. How long do you typically spend in the bath?
Since sex or erotics is why, it can easily be 30-60 minutes
6. How long do you typically spend in the shower?
Cleaning will be 5-10 minutes -- if sexual could be 30.. .my shower can hold four people easily.
7. What's your cleaning routine like (do you wash in a specific order?)
Not really, though often butt is last
8. Do you prefer to bathe or shower and why?
Shower mainly quicker.. if sexual it depends
9. Do you pee in the shower?
Quite often
10. Is there anything you do in the shower/bath that you think most people don't do? Hmm.. While most including me would jackoff.. i bet many wont insert dildo in butt (being guy)... doing this gets me harder than usual.
Wife tends to do it more than I ever do

11. How often do you wash your hands?
Several times a day...and/or as needed
12. When would you typically wash your hands?
Several times a day...and/or as needed
13. How often do you wash your face?
In shower, or after shaving
14. Do you wash any other body part separately from when you bathe/shower? NO, I wash everythng

15. What is the longest you think you have been without a bath/shower?
In past the longest was 30+ days
That was partially per regular sex then... wife wouldnt let me cleanup after cumming... I was smelly after week or so.

16. What is the longest you would go without a bath/shower for a dare?
Almost never do dares but i would go a long time as needed per request.
17. Do you enjoy messy dares? Depends. Wife & I, and me & past gf's have done pee and poop related.. Usually as a followup to any sex we did.

18. What do you enjoy more, getting clean or getting dirty?
N/a its about the same... though I would lean toward geting clean
19. What is the dirtiest you have been (excluding dares)?
Was when wife & I were at a secluded campout and we were dirty per being nude for days... and we were pooping/pissing on each other.. though often we would do it away from campsite per the bugs&stuff.
In those cases we were both getting reasonably brown

20. What is the dirtiest you have gotten for a dare?
Minor amt per dare was gameplay in our house. Usally piss or minor poop.
Never heavy amt like other times

21. Is there anything else others might find interesting that you have to say about getting clean or getting dirty?
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