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Old 07-16-2018, 02:29 PM   #27
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Florida
Posts: 63

Some questions about your public restroom usage

1. What is your gender?
2. Have you ever used the other genders restroom? Yes. If so, how often? If it's a one person bathroom in a public establishment and I have to go....
3. Do you think it makes sense for there to be separate bathrooms for genders? Why? Why not? Wouldn't be necessary if the stalls locked but I wouldn't want to give up urinals in the process.
4. Guys: if you need to go pee, do you always use the urinal if there is one? Yes, I find it extremely convenient.
5. Guys: do you always use a one-urinal distance from the other that is in use? Yes. That's the "expected" protocol, as well as starting from both ends every other one.
6. Have you ever noticed there is no toilet paper after you pooped? What did you do? I can't use public restrooms to poop.
7. Have you ever done something sexual or kinky in a public bathroom? What? I've had sex in bathrooms.
8. Do you always clean the toilet seat? See #6.
9. Do you use a public bathroom if there is no soap? Yes because I'm peeing at a urinal and touching nothing else.
10. Do you remember your worst public bathroom experience? If so, what was it? Some guy wanted to suck my dick. I was about 10 and he was about 100. I left without peeing.
== Dislikes ==
permanent marks, extreme pain, scat, friends/family involvement, anything that can result in arrest
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