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Old 10-09-2016, 04:24 PM   #38
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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So the next task is entitled "Be nice to AM week." I am quite fond of this one.

For the following week, each girl is required to be nice to me. They will get points for especially nice conversations, saying nice things, and doing sweet little things for me, without having to be asked. They will lose points for brattish behaviour, for threatening me, for being rude or unpleasant and/or for trying to assign me edges or punishments.

On the plus side for the girls, it will be me who posts a report at the end of the week and announces the scores, so they have less writing to do.

Points can only be lost or won between the hours of noon and midnight UK time to allow for the sleep variation/time difference and the contest begins noon tomorrow.

Bon chance, ladies.
I love IceMaiden. She is my everything. She is mine and I am hers.

I am extremely happy with the wonderful girl I have.
I do NOT want anyone else. This includes casual play
or giving tasks/punishments. Do not ask!!
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