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Old 08-08-2018, 08:53 AM   #2
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I no longer have them, but I have had nipple piercings in the past so I'll try to answer what I can.

I could take mine out for 2 - 3 days at a time without much (but some!) issue. But I would guess it will depend on the diameter of the bar and how well/quick you heal. However, do not take them out while they are still healing except for cleaning or else they will close up very quickly.

I have worn nipple clamps with my nipple piercings, but cannot attest to the safety of this. But, I can say that you will be able to feel the bar of the piercing in your flesh and it is not generally hard to clamp beyond/before that particular part of tissue. Personally I found it unbearable to do otherwise.

I have no experience with nipple enlargement kits (do you mean suction cups?) so I am really not too sure about this.

On a side note, please be prepared that nipple piercings can effect the sensitivity of the nipple. In my case it increased from barely any to pleasantly sensitive. However, I've also heard of cases where they became unbearably sensitive, and cases where they lost all sensation.

Additionally, I would add that once they are healed I have never been too careful with my nipple piercings but did not have any serious issues. They were fun to play with (even roughly) in my case, and the only downside I found is that they can get caught in (lace) bra's, especially if you use dangling jewelry for your piercings.

Hopefully this has been a little helpful and there will be some replies from people with more knowledge on this topic.

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