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Old 11-09-2021, 06:24 PM   #14
Goddess Joanna
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Aug 2021
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After this question, I'm up to date with all questions asked so far. If anyone else wants to ask something, feel free

***Still editing this whole thing... Will erase this notice whenever I done.
Originally Posted by LimeNLemonade View Post
Sweet angel <3 This AMA must be heaven-sent.
When I was 12 in history class I had to write my own verison of the "I have a dream speech" about what my hopes and desires were for the future. It didn't really matter if it was practical or possible. It was an ideal. What's your dream? (Dare to dream a little for me, sweet angel )
"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life.". ― John Lennon

I'll have you know that I don't like to answer deep questions like this publicly. I like to reveal myself deeper to those I am close with or feel a strongly compatible and reciprocated connection with.

That being said, I hope this answer proves to be adequate, but I suspect any answer as long as it is an honest one would suffice for you. And for such a broad question, I guess most wouldn't necessarily expect sufficiency outright. So, here it goes ~

My dream has always been to have a happy full life in it's entirety. It wasn't a thought or a dream. It's just what seems natural to me always. It just is.

I have always felt like heaven is the true reality. My true origin along with subsequent origins to follow, this being one. I have felt out of place here all my life however subtle at times, however great at times.

The few times I went, I have had healers talk about my soul, thanking me for allowing them to cleanse my energy, telling me that my soul is so light and full of light and so pure. That made me happy to hear, though I knew.

Yet this Earth, this plane, is very burdensome. It is a perversion of origins. It is a heavy school.

Many have talked to me in person saying I am so calm. That I don't seem to worry as much as others or stress as much as the average person. And while that is true, I have my share of woes.

I know life really is beautiful like my Mom would always say. I feel the way she felt when she said it, thought it, and meant, but it didn't click with me yet. I know life is beautiful, but don't know it the way she knew it. To me life was mainly beautiful because of her. Then because of my best friend. The animals, nature, babies, pure kids, inner childs, creativity, artistry, kindness, harmony, and love make life beautiful.

I know I am also more of healer than I appear to be. So far I have healed a couple of people's worse than average sore hurt back that they told me a normal massage wouldn't help. They almost didn't let me massage them because of that. But they did, and it went away. It's funny how afterwards they didn't take advantage of me after that. They were happy and felt better, but it seems they forgot I could do it or casually decide they don't want me to do it, that their pain is bearable. Which is weird to me. And I usually don't offer a massage to people unless I'm close with them.

Just yesterday night my best friend had the worse calf and inner thigh cramp she had ever experienced because it was the two at once. We both happened to nap at similar times that day. I passed by her room to tell her it was a longer one than usual today, and she had just woke up and was grabbing her legs pitifully. It scared me a little to see my stronger friend like that. I asked her if she wanted a massage, and she was in too much pain to answer. She cried a little the first half of the time. So I went over to her and place my hands on her right calf massaging it. She told me to stay there, the warm in my hands was helping. So I stayed there still and warm and visualized the healing from within and my hands and prayed to God within and without and guardian angels to heal her legs and thighs, then imagined purifying white light from my hands and an endless column of light receive her like a baby being cradled with Love. And I also asked for her to be cleansed by the powerful Violet Flame and imagine it healing her entirely as well. I don't know much about everything but I sense it somewhat latently currently. I made her feel better pretty quickly, and all throughout (beginning, middle, and end, like three times) she kept saying, I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Her warrior spirit pride. She tries to not let anyone see her weak, but especially me. She knows my sensitive heart.

She and a few of my close friends have warrior spirits. Hers reminds me of Vikings, pirates, and dwarves combined. Two of my other somewhat close friends have that warrior archetype also. But for them from where I cannot say yet. I guess I haven't been around them long enough. I am more of a monk warrior. I wouldn't use the term warrior. I like the more peaceful long distance types. Like magic (which I don't do unless it's the natural unconscious soul kind not anything else), archery, aikido, taichi, and ninjutsu. I am usually the monk that gets protected by my warrior friends if rare survival situations were to occur. Up until that point I am their angel, placing myself where I need to be. Protecting them. Calming their warrior spirit which always seems to be restless and at unease.

Which brings me to other ways I heal. By speaking. My voice calms and soothes and makes people relaxed at ease and sleepy. Makes light of a situation, guides/redirects thinking and feelings more beneficially and more understood. Words and kindness can be very healing, especially when genuinely and confidently spoken.

By my presence. When people see how calm I am even when things get hectic, and that my skill actually enhances greatly, it heals in a way. I show them that instead of despair you can face things head on and address them without fear being prevalent or worry affecting your performance but training yourself just as is natural in good times to always keep a calm clear head no matter the storm to maximize effectiveness. You will not be your best if you allow fear and worry and the like to lead your actions. Act. Don't react. You decide everything you do, all your choices. We are creators.

My latent powers are unknown. I have ninja fast reflexes... I am stronger than the average woman and sad to say some lazy or simply weaker males these days. It's similar to the movie Unbreakable with Bruce Willis, but somewhat different. I am not petite, and not big, just average. I rarely ever get sick at all. Even the common cold. It's very rare and few. Whenever I get injured, it heals quickly than usual, even bruises. I've had an almost fatal dog bite, which resulted in over 50 stitches through the several layers of skin, heal in two weeks. I made sure to not look at it for the entire time, because I knew it would affect my thoughts and subsequently my healing process. When I applied antibiotics I looked at it only through peripheral vision. I returned to work two weeks later and the injury is not even noticeable now. Looks like a dimple. You can see it's not so obvious by checking me out in my recent video verification. Yes, it was to my face in August of 2009. Must have had a guardian angel and the Big Guy/Gal looking out for me because my Emergency Room surgeon wanted to be a plastic surgeon before he ultimately decided for Emergency. He was talking to a CNA desk person that he asked if he wanted to assist him, and he said yes. The doctor told the assistant that any deeper and the arterial vein in my cheek would have been hit. He flushed my wounds with saline water to clean it. I screamed out loud a couple of times. My best friend tried to come in when she heard me outside, but of course they wouldn't let her. She may have been told to wait out in the main ER lobby instead of outside my door. I don't remember, and it will hurt her if I ask her to revisit that memory.

My sleep is so restful that my five to six hours equals the average person's well rested 8 hours. Even if I break it into halves everyday, which I do because my earlier work shift to provide a balance and normalcy that works for me. And I can make myself fall asleep within five minutes, even if I am not sleepy.

I talked to a fellow empath at work. She's the classic feeling empath not cognitive like me. She's still learning and newish like me. I gave her some links and videos that I knew would greatly help her and accelerate her on whatever path she chooses to walk down. She told me that she's happy alone. That God made created her whole when she came here and how she couldn't relate to her friends when they liked someone growing up because they were feeling more intense and invested and to her it was more simple of a like but she could take it or leave it. It wasn't as important. And I told her that most people don't come here whole like her. And they try to find that special connection with another to feel it... At the end of her conversation she said that we are whole on our own just like her. We've just forgotten it.

Wholeness is different to everyone. Some require more and other's less. Some are happy with a thimble's full of growth, other's a bucket of water, other's an ocean, and some insatiable.

We all move at the pace that is right for us in the moment. It can change accelerate at any time. And appearances aren't always as they seem. It isn't indicative of how things will be. Just because someone is down or slow doesn't mean they won't soar with flying colors accelerate at some point a little like the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise lacked the ability to be speedy, but had focus, patience, and perseverance. The hare had that particular skill needed focus and humility.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Their talent.

And just because they're down or not suited for something, doesn't mean they don't possess the attributes that make up the balance to rise above the situation.

Everything could seem normal. And then anyone could have their Eureka moment where everything or something clicks and pace accelerates exponentially.

To address your question, lol:

I just want to be free to explore, to love, to be... I want to spend my time sharing it with friends, family, and lovers happily throughout.

I want to have kind of a main person to share life with. I don't mind if we live together or don't. I don't mind if we visit throughout the year when we can, as long as we do the best we can.

I want to live ruraly and self sustainably with my best friend. I'd be around a lot of nature and animals; which I love and can lose myself happily in at times.

Whether whoever will be my main lady prefers to live with me or not is her choice. If she decides to live with me, I can imagine us having an awesome library and art studio Of course our personal dungeon. Our own house near my best friend but far enough away for privacy but close enough and near the farm.

We'd travel the world together. The world wouldn't be as crazy as it is now. Elders would be treated with respect. It would be more harmonious. More learned in the beneficial old ways but could still feel luxurious if wanted. Friends and everyone could make things easier.

Whatever we create together, up to and beyond the sky is the limitless. I feel it will be good and full of possibility.

Last edited by Goddess Joanna; 11-10-2021 at 07:18 PM.
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