Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] ♥ Strip Poker with a Twist ♥
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Old 09-08-2010, 01:25 AM   #9
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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Default The Final rule! (And the begining)

“One last thing”, John suddenly said, “when I realised we were playing Strip Poker I thought that the looser should have an extreme forfeit. Is everyone O.K with this” The 5 teenagers all nodded. “After the game the looser has to open this envelope and their forfeit is inside, this will remain a secret to everyone other than myself until the end”. The group all looked excited and nervous before the first round began.

The first game was won my Sarah with four of a kind, David lost this game and was forced to give up 2 chips, Adam was 5th and lost 1. The girls looked at each other happy; they had all had a reasonably first hand.

The second hand was won by Laura, Adam lost and now had no chips remaining, Dani was 5th so lost 1 chip. At present the game was going smoothly for the girls.

Time for round 3 shouted John sitting legs crossed with his original 3 chips. This game was luckily won my Adam who quickly scrambled for his extra chip. David was 5th and Dani lost the round.

Round 4:
Won by Dani, John lost the game losing his first 2 chips he now had 1 remaining. David was 5th and was forced to be the first person to lose an article of clothing. “What shall I take off him” Dani asked the group. “It’s up to David (the looser) you must strip the item he decides” Take off my shoes David eventually decided, Dani complied and the next round began after David received 1 chip for his shoes but instantly paid it to the banker.

Both of the twins were leading the poker tournament and luck was on their side, but would it continue?

Round 5
Won by John, Laura lost the round and Dani was 5th.

Round 6
Won by David, Laura lost another round and Dani was again 5th. This now meant that Dani was forced to strip an item of clothing and it would be David’s honour to remove it. Shoes Dani said to David, who slowly slipped her high heels of her feet.

Time for round 7 said Sarah. Hang on............ we haven’t finished round 6 yet, Laura must do the tord. What will it be John asked? Truth. John sat thinking for a minute, trying to think of a good question for Laura, the person who he had seen naked on video. “When was the last time that you stole any of your sister’s belongings?” Laura looked around; she was unable to lie about stealing the toy because someone in the room had bribed her too. “Earlier this week” she replied blushing. “What was it” asked John. “You have already asked one question, you will have to ask later” she smugly replied

The next question for Laura was from David. “TorD”. “Truth please” “When was the last time that you masturbated” Laura again looked shocked at the question she was being asked, “erm I believe it was Sunday” she quietly answered. The group all stared at Laura not imagining she was that type of girl

Round 7
Laura won this hand and was mighty relieved flipping a full house consisting of a pair of 3s and 3 x kings. She seemed so happy with not having to loose clothes and have them taken off her. David lost and Dani was again 5th. Laura also had the pleasure in removing David’s Socks. She soon thought this was more of a punishment than reward when she caught the nasty smell. She also had to remove Dani’s Socks but these didn’t smell nearly as bad.

Round 8
Won by David, Adam lost the round and David quickly removed Adam’s slippers. (The Simpsons: Homers) Sarah was 5th and was disappointed to be down to her original 3 chips.

Round 9
Won by Dani, Sarah was 5th and Adam again lost. Dani got the pleasure in removing Adam’s socks and belt. Right then as Adam has lost 2 games in a row “Truth or Dare” asked David

Adam looked around seeing how many chips people still had in play as well as how much clothing he had stripped. The decision he eventually came to was Dare.

“Ok” said David, I Dare you to ...................

To be continued .............................

Thank you for all the support, and feedback, its much appreciated, please keep up the comments.


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