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Old 02-28-2019, 11:11 AM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
I have to ask ... who is this VERY scary person that nobody should mess with?
You really don't want to know. She has scary clown porn on her phone which she uses to scare people into getting what she wants. Cross her at your peril!

Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
What’s the most annoying noise?
What’s your haunted house story?
What did you Google last?
What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about?
If money and practicality weren’t a problem, what would be the most interesting way to get around town?
What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down?
What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series?
What’s the most frustrating product you own?
What inconsequential super power would you like to have?
What qualities do all your friends have in common?
What odd smell do you really enjoy?
What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
1) A baby crying aghhhh.

2) I have a haunted house story? I actually do... when I was younger I lived with two other guys. We all spoke about a feeling we got at the top of the stairs like someone was trying to push us down them. Also when I moved out I was on my own and moved everything into the front room to make it easier the next day. Whilst I was sleeping I kept waking up to things falling over and moving. It was pretty crazy.

3) Haunted House Stories.

4) A board game when I worked in a shop. You know how modern board games have a slit cut into the board to help it fold into a box? Well the guy returning it said it shouldn't be like that, how we were selling faulty goods and that he was going to speak to the authorities. It took me a few minutes but he walked away knowing he was a dick.

5) I'd fill the town up with water and go around in a submarine. It would be cool to bump into spongebob as I was picking up my groceries.

6) My 7 year non kink boring relationship. I thought that stability and 'normal' was the way to go, everyone else I knew was doing it. Figured it out before it was too late though, Phew.

7) P.S I Love you when she gets that first letter. OMG I sound like a chick. Erm something sad happened in Terminator 2 I think.

8) I have a nice big suitcase, but when you fill it up with clothes the weight of it stops the wheels moving. How fucking stupid is that?

9) My inconsequential super power would be never to grow nose hair. It's gross, has to be dealt with and hurts like a cunt when you pluck em out.

10) They all laugh at me. Erm with me. They all laugh with me.

11) That smell just after you blow out a candle mmm.

12) In the wild? Oh gosh a squirrel maybe? I don't really agree with zoos but there are some really cool Lemurs at London Zoo and you can walk through their enclosure. That wasn't in the wild but probably the coolest animal I've seen up close. They also have a sloth!!!!

Thanks for the questions
Dominant | Male | 39 | Straight | United Kingdom

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