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Old 06-16-2015, 05:09 AM   #5
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Default Nope

First off, there was a similar discussion some days ago.
Similar but not the same.
Quite a few arguments would fit here.

My arguments are mainly about "Faking Gender and Verification of it", which I assume is your main point. But I am aware that people can be fake in more different ways. My arguments might touch different areas as well.

A lot of people don't want to send out any of their pictures, and this is okay. Maybe they are not happy with the way they look or they are just scared that someone COULD theoretically recognize them. Believe me, I send out only non-face pictures and make the background blurry, but since I know myself pretty good, there is constantly the fear that other people could easily recognize me as well. It always cost quite an effort to actually send or upload a picture! People don't just send pictures of themselves to people on websites with sexual content. NO matter if clothed or not.

Next problem. Photoshop. This might not be the biggest problem, but I suppose if you are really good with photoshop, it shouldn't be too hard to actually fake such pictures.
But how about crossdressers? Some crossdressers really can pass as females, if they are neither nude nor show their face. Therefore every somewhat passable crossdresser could be a verified female on this site. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
And no, it wouldn't be a good idea to tell someone: "Hey your body isn't feminine enough!" Simply because if it is actually a female with a slightly masculine body, it would just be an impolite dick move.
Genderfluid/Trans People?
Now, most Trans people have it written in their profile, and most genderfluid as well. But if they don't want to write it there, which they are free to do so, should we tell them "No, you are male, you look like a male!"? I highly doubt this would be a good idea!

Originally Posted by gentlemaster View Post
Any slave or any master should provide the same thing if her/his slave/master ask for it, otherwise this person would be considered as a fake.
I hope I understand this quote right.
You want people to provide evidence that they are the gender they pretend to be if their partner in their D/s relation asks them to, or otherwise they are considered fake?
So, if I go to my Mistress and ask her to send you the three pictures you want to verify her, and she doesn't want to, she should be considered as a fake? o.o What?

Also, Presumption of innocence. Pretty much this.
Again, someone might not want to prove their gender or whatever you want to verify.
Next, why should it matter to anyone apart from myself, if my Domme or my sub are fake or not? There are two (or more) people involved, who (usually) trust each other. No reason to involve anyone else. None of their business.

Furthermore you have a problem of inequality of genders right here. I can't consider myself a feminist for various reasons, but I believe that equality is important from a more physical point of view (Like, a pendulum won't stay up at one side, rather will find a state of balance).
Let's illustrate what I mean with an example:
I hang around in chat a lot, two new people join. SexyAlan and SexyAlice. Both ask for dares. Both just registered on this site. Let's assume noone in the chat know them so far. In SexyAlan's profile the Gender is male and in SexyAlice's accordingly female.
Now, people might doubt that SexxyAlan is actually sexy, but everyone would probably believe he is male.
SexyAlice is in a slightly worse position. There will be a lot of people who will believe she is sexy and a female and will spam her whispers trying to get something to fap to, but a lot of people would doubt that this person is actually female!
To sum it up, mostly females would require verification of Gender.

While writing and checking the forums, I saw you mentioned age.
No way you can properly confirm age with a body shot. I know people older than me who look younger than my little sister. Especially with a body picture, verifying age is an absurd idea.

And yes, Reddit has a verification system. But the use is different. It matters for Reddit because fake profiles might make announcements, pretending to be a professional organisation. For gD it just comes down, to knowing that the person you are fapping to is actually what that person pretends to be. They also don't confirm that Randomuser123 is actually a 45 old transexual, they confirm that GabeNewellBellevue is actually Lord Gaben.
You really can't compare this at all!

Finally, I completely agree, that it would be lovely to know who is fake and who is real.
But in my honest opinion there is more to the problem than "What female is actually female".
The problem is trust in general.
Just knowing someone is actually a female, doesn't mean that person actually did your task/dare or followed a rule or whatever.
You need to trust other people on here. Trust is anyway the most important aspect of a D/s relationship.
Not only you have to trust the task taker to actually do the task, that person also has to be aware of the fact that the task giver has to trust you. A lot of people who want tasks are not aware of this sadly.
(Note: If you take tasks and do the task, make sure to actually report, be detailed and show that you did the task! Don't pretend you did something, rather tell the person you can't do it because of some reasons, or you simply won't do it. That's better than actually pretending. Sadly too few people will read this, and act like this!)

Now some questions and small note:

Your verification seems onesided, although that might be because you are talking from your view point. Would you want a general verification for the rather dominant people as well?

Even if you wanted the task-giving people from gD to verify, why should they verify themselves? At least for the forum, I don't really see the reason for a task giver to verify themself, while someone who request tasks (and states female in their profile) will always be doubted.

PS: I wouldn't mind verifying myself and neither would I be sad if everyone was verified, but there might be no good way to implement this in gD.
24 years old

How to gD Chat:

[22:10:51] dare girl567: i find dubs attractive not gonna lie
[22:11:53] sweetsong: i think most do?
[22:12:37] SweetTeen: ‹@dare girl567› ‹@sweetsong› id be gay for him
[22:13:14] dare girl567: ‹@SweetTeen› i feel like he'd be fun to fuck
[22:13:46] sweetsong: what a lucky dubs lol
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