Thread: Protecting Kids
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Old 12-05-2008, 02:22 PM   #1
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Hey, i heard there are some kids skateboarding at the park down the street without helmets. Your kids dont skateboard do they?. there should be no reason that someone needs to police the entire site. If their parents think they are old enough to browse the internet alone, then they must trust them enought to know right from wrong, and have enough confidence in them to do whats right when time comes to it.

I gaurentee that over 75% of the things on here of kids under the age of 18 is 100% fake. they wrote it in some sexual high, and after they lived their little fantasy, and got rid of the sexual tension they closed the site and went out and did something productive with their friends. Some people only use this site to act like someone their not to fulfull some sexual fantasy. Just something i noticed.
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