Thread: Ask about Islam
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Old 05-30-2013, 10:59 PM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 68

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post

The last item is my suggestion to not show your own prejudice too soon. To attack a news source without proof that the story they publish is actually false is a bad tactic. When you look at the Google results, at least eight pages of them, you will find Reuters, the London Telegraph, and a lot more as sources of stories about Muslim persecution of Christians. Because a story is on Fox does NOT make it false or inflammatory by default. In fact, I've seen numerous major stories that broke first on Fox before other mainstream "news" had the balls to cover the story. "Fast and Furious", the ACORN fiasco and the serial murderer Dr. Kermit Gosnell infanticides are all examples. And because you don't like or appreciate the tone of a news story does not qualify a news outlet as "hate mongering", only that you don't like how they present the news.
You're hijacking the thread with your argument regarding Fox News. You are more than welcome to sanctify them. I really don't care.

My point was that you need more than one right-wing news outlet to justify a blanket criticism of an entire religion, be it Islam or any other.
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