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Old 05-09-2013, 04:59 AM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 277
Target Chapter 5

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 5

Like after the other rounds Ruth is making ready to draw the person to start the next round. As Susan and Tina has already started in the previous rounds, only seven names remains in the bowl.
Ruth makes the draw: “And the lucky starter is… Linda!”

Linda: “Okay we start with David - Truth or dare?”
David liked the last dare, but is quite sure he will not be that lucky twice: “Truth.”
Linda: “How was your kiss?”
David looks at Ruth and smiles: “It was fantastic.”
Ruth is blushing and looks into the ground. Deep inside herself she feels the same way, it was a good kiss.

David: “Michael you have to choose dare”
Michael: “Yes…”
David: “I dare you to find a pair of your underwear, put it on your head until your next turn.”
Michael: “How embarrassed… But I will do it…”
He goes to the tent and finds a pair of clean boxers. Michael goes back to his seat and puts the boxers on his head: “Satisfied?”
David is laughing: “Indeed!!”
The others are also laughing at Michael, as it looks so ridicules.

Michael: “Ruth - Truth or dare?”
Ruth got enough dare last round: “Truth!”
Michael: “Did you like to watch Joe in his underwear?”
Ruth thinks: “I start to wish I had chosen a dare. It is so humiliating to talk about my crush in front of everyone.”
Michael: “You did stare at him, we all saw that…”
This does not help Ruth, and she blushes yet another time this evening: “I don't know… a little… There wasn't much to see…”
Joe also wishes he could have disappeared out into the air. It is so embarrassing, to hear someone talk about him flashing his boxers.

Ruth moves on: “Kelly - Truth or dare?”
Kelly: “Truth.”
Ruth: “Have you tits started to grow?”
Kelly’s jaw drops at the question. Everyone knows that she is the only girl here that has not started to grow anything: “No… I have not…”

Kelly is looking for a little revenge. She knows that she cannot get Ruth, but then she can go for her best friend. And she is in the unlucky situation that she has to pick a dare: “Susan I have a dare for you.”
Susan does not like the tone in Kelly’s voice, but there is little she can do: “Okay…”
Kelly: “I dare you to only wear underwear until your next turn, and don't cover yourself up.”
Susan is now going to be the first girl to show her underwear. She hates it. She is wearing a plain white matching panties and training bra. Her nipples are just small cherry sized pieces of flesh sitting in the middle of her chest. Susan takes off her shoes and socks, before she gets up from her seat and starts to unzip her pants. They are lowered to the ground, and the bottom of her panties is shown below her shirt. The pants are removes and Susan now stands in her panties, training bra and shirt.
Kelly: “Shirt too.”
Susan slowly lifts it up over her head, letting everyone see her panties and training bra. She puts the shirt down to the rest of her clothes and sits down with her legs crossed and arms covering her chest.
Kelly: “Sorry Susan, but the dare was no covering. So uncross your legs and hands to your side.”
Susan looks into the ground and moves her hands to her side, before she uncrosses her legs.
All the boys are staring intense on Susan’s nipples and crotch. This causing several of the boys to get a semi-erection, and all of them are now hoping that they are not going to do anything similar.

Susan: “Eric – Dare or dare?”
Eric really hopes that this dare does not involve any kind of stripping. To show his underwear is bad enough, but be caught we a hard-on would be hugely embarrassing. Eric tries to play cool: “Then I will pick… Dare.”
Susan: “I thought so. I dare you to pick a random girl, and let her slap you ass 5 times without pants.”
Eric is definitely not cool anymore.
Susan: “Ruth do you have the bowl ready?”
Ruth: “Always.” She hands the bowl with the five names in it to Eric.
Eric picks a name and reads it: “Linda…”
Linda smiles: “I will love to help you with your dare Eric.”
Just as she has said it, she regrets it and thinks: “Oh no… Now they really think that I fancy him…”
Eric tries to focus on his semi-erect dick. But as all boys know, the more you focus on avoiding a hard-on, the harder the dick gets.
Linda has moved to Eric: “Get up and show me that ass.”
Eric then gets the idea: “I do not have to stand up, I can just lay down on the ground.” And so he does. He lies on the ground face down, where he unzips his pants and pulls them down to below his ass.
Linda is a little disappointed, but she knows that Eric has not cheated, just been creative: “Ready?”
Eric: “Yes…”
Linda raises her right hand and slaps the left buttock.
Eric: “Ouch…”
Linda hits him again.
Eric: “Ouch.”
Yet another blow from Linda hits Eric.
Eric: “Ouch!!”
Linda sees on the edge of Eric’s boxers that he is getting a nice red color. Then she hits him again.
Eric: “Arrhhh…”
Linda hits him for the last time.
Eric: “Aarrrrhhhhh!!”
Linda caress Eric’s ass before she goes back to her seat.
Eric pulls his pants back up and zip them. His hard-on issue has long gone - the spanking has been effective in that way.

Eric is back in his seat and looks at Joe: “Joe - Truth or dare?”
Joe just witnessed the spanking, picks the easy one: “True”
Eric: “Do you masturbate?”
There is a mixture of gasping and wondering among the others. It is clear that some has no idea of what the question is about, while others are perfectly aware of how humiliation this question is. After all masturbation is a very private thing.
Joe however knows what Eric is asking him about: “No…”

Joe: “Tina I guess it is your turn - Dare”
Tina is having a lot of butterflies in her stomach: “Yes…”
Joe: “I dare you to, put your underwear on the outside of your clothes until your next turn.”
Tina: “Nooo… I cannot take it off here…”
Joe: “The dare did not say you should do it here, you can go in the tent if you want.”
Tina is very relieved to hear this: “Okay then…”
She goes to the tent and make sure it is closed properly, before she start taking off her clothes. First her shoes and pants, before her panties are off too: “I have changed clothes so many times before, but this feels so strange.” She quickly puts her pants back on, being careful with the zipper and her pubic hair.
Tina now takes off her shirt and training bra. She looks down on her small tits: “Good I do not have to show those…” Her shirt is coming back on and she now stands with her underwear in her hands: “It feels so weird not wearing any underwear.”
She feels her nipples harden a little, and a strange unfamiliar tickling between her legs. Tina does not take any special note of this, and puts on her underwear. She has to stretch is to get it to fit, but she manages.
Tina goes outside to the others and as soon as she comes into view the others start to laugh.
Joe: “It took a while, but it was worth waiting for. Hi hi hi…”
Ruth: “How do we know that she has not just put on some of her spare underwear, and kept some on?”
Tina knows where Ruth is going: “Nooo wayyy… I am not going to show you… You have to trust me!!”
Joe is pleased with his dare. Yet another girl has shown their white panties and training bra.

Tina has gotten to her seat and continues the game: “Linda time for your dare.”
Linda: “Okay”
Tina feels she has to show the others, that she is not boring. She knows that her start of the game was not fantastic. Her first question was lame, and her last dare was just a copy from another dare. This time she wants to give a good dare: “I dare you to, take off your bra and leave it off for the rest of the night.”
Linda is looking at Tina and thinks: “She cannot be serious. She knows I am the only one having tits. She also knows that my nipples will show through the thin and tight shirt I am wearing…”
All the boys are staring intense on Linda. Even though they might have another dream girl in the group, everyone has a desire to see Linda’s boobs.
Tina starts to feel a little bad, maybe she has gone too far: “You can go in the tent too… if you need…”
Linda: “No need to…” She reaches behind her back, unlocks the bra, quickly puts her arms through the sleeves and before anyone has realized what has happened - Linda sits with her pink bra in her hands.
Everyone is following Linda’s hands with their eyes, and some are quite disappointed, when Linda puts the bra behind her seat and out of view. At least that is until they realize, what Linda already knows. The erect nipples are pushing against the fabric of Linda’s shirt, leaving little to the imagination.
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