Thread: Chess Loser
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Old 05-06-2013, 07:19 PM   #5
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Smile more addition except custom

So yeah, that's how I'd do it for three common likes. In general:
Pawn: Quick task that only really matters if you have to repeat it a few times.
Knight: Task that increases in difficulty when both are gone. Should negatively impact concentration on the game.
Bishop: Task that increases in difficulty when both are gone. Should negatively impact concentration on the game. Same as the knight.
Castle: Bigger task that focuses less on concentration and more on discomfort/pain or another sensation, depending on the likes of the players.
Queen: Big dare that needs to be decided by the players beforehand. Makes the player's want to take the queen to make the opponent do the task.
Check: Small thing that can be done repeatedly.
Checkmate: Something that gives the winner a sense they have won and gives then control over the loser. Should also probably be sdecidwd beforehand.
Thank KittyLicks for this ^^.
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