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Old 11-17-2008, 12:42 PM   #7
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 10

A week had passed since Leah's walk home. The next day she got a call from the garage to let her know the car was ready to be picked up. She was so happy to be driving to and from work in her beloved Clio again!

Work wasn't getting any more exciting but the weather had picked up a bit. This afternoon she was gazing from her third floor window as the sun sank behind the city roofs. The beautiful amber sky reminded her of autumn leaves. Her mind wandered further away to one of the last nights she had spent with Jonathan. It was October of last year, on a night much like the one she sat entranced by now. They had gone for a walk together across the fields near to where he had lived. There were more birds about then, she had even seen a few small rabbits. The day was getting cool, but had not yet become cold.

"I'm tired Jon, can we rest for a while?" she asked
"Come on, you can make it to the top of this hill can't you? We can sit down there for a bit if you want to", he replied.
"Oh alright Jon, but just because it is you", she said grinning. "What did you want to do up there that can't be done by here though?"
"You'll see".

They climbed the last bit of the hill hand in hand. When they got there Leah gasped. The view was incredible, she could see for miles in all directions. So many houses littered the landscape, street lamps were warming up for the night and car's lights decorated the roads all around. But from where they were standing, all was silent.

Jon sat down, pulling Leah onto his lap. Looking deep into her eyes he told her that he loved her. They kissed for a long time, it was the first mention of love in this relationship and it meant a lot to her. When they parted lips, she told him she loved him too. It was the most romantic moment in her life, and still was more than a year later.

Their lips met again, this time with more passion. Each tongue explored the mouth of the other. Then hands started to wander, firstly up and down her slender arms, down to her waist, up her smooth back, through her soft hair. Her hands replied, exploring his hair, is strong stomach. They rolled flat onto the ground side by side, legs interlocked. Hands strayed to the thighs, the shoulders. A warm hand slunk under Leah's top, closely followed by another. They caressed her back, then her slender waist. There was enough space for the hands to stray under the hem of her skirt. There he paused, waiting for a response. She hesitated only a moment before sliding her hands inside his top and exploring his strong back. Then she boldly slid her hands inside his pants and grabbed his bottom.

"Can you sort that for me love?"
Confused, she replied, "What?"
"I said, I wanted to cancel a direct debit, and asked if you could manage that for me over the phone?" the voice replied, slightly irate.

The image of her daydream dissolved into reality, the car park was filling up again, the birds sought their nests and the sun was sinking further below the horizon. She was at her desk, third floor, phone banking, and somebody required her attention.

"Sorry Mrs Harries, I think there must have been a slight technical difficulty. I can certainly sort that for you over the phone. Bare with me a moment..."


Finally, she was sat in her car, the heaters were on and the lights shone brightly at the row of cars opposite. That image of last October had not left her, and she was still feeling the magic of it all. She had butterflies in her stomach and a lump in her throat, but more interestingly, she was turned on. That night hadn't ended with exploring hands. As she replayed the scene in her head, her nipples began to wake up and make themselves noticed. Her vagina became moist. Her hands strayed to her crotch. Now she wished she had worn that short frilly skirt again, this longer more sensible one kept her warmer but it took away her access. Without thinking she inched the dress up her legs, past her knees, up to her pants. A finger tested the fabric. It was wet. She rubbed her clit passively whilst her mind still wandered through the forest of her memories. Soon the pants were pushed aside and her fingers roamed freely over her most sensitive and private area. She was smooth, freshly shaved and a little damp.

She awoke from her dazed thoughts and shook herself. What was she thinking? Fingering herself here in the work car park? It was madness! But all the same, it felt good. Her fingers did not stop rubbing over her vagina and massaging her clit. Her daring side grew inside her. In a quick smooth move, her pants slid down her legs. She flicked them off her feet and hid them under her handbag on the passenger seat. She slid her skirt up past her bottom, shifting to get it under her. It sat in a heap just about covering the essentials, her bare bottom shocked by the cold fabric of the seat. She turned the key and checked for moving cars. As she drove out and joined the queues she began to plan her journey home. One hand on the wheel, one rested hesitantly on her skirt...
Atmosphere electric
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