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Old 04-24-2013, 11:41 AM   #69
getDare Succubus
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Name: Rebecca
Age: 18
Sex: female
Sexuality: bi-curious
Location: England
1) Do you prefer to shower or bath?
Both are relaxing but baths involve faffing about (though that is one of my talents) and get a bit boring. Therefore I prefer showers ^^

2) Tell everyone reading what you are currently wearing?
Nude v-neck shirt, short black skater skirt, black tights, white bra and stripy knickers.

3) If you had your own slave for the day, what would you have them do?
Hehe, so many things... I think it'd be entertaining to play dress up and have them do little tasks in certain outfits for my own amusement. One of these outfits would definitely be just an apron, so I could stare at their bum for a bit :P I'd want to tie them up and tease them indefinitely, just to see how far I could push them. I'd blindfold them and use their body in a myriad ways, surprising them with each different sensation, pain and pleasure mingling and lingering. And, of course, they'd have to please me, too. Maybe once they'd done that I'd make them cum. With my mouth, if they were good

4) If you were a slave for the day what would you like to do?

~Be talked down to, because the humiliation would turn me on. Not insulted, more patronised.
~Be taken out in public in revealing clothing
~Be kept on edge until the very end
~Be spanked
~Pain & pleasure
~Be completely tied and blindfolded with no idea what he'll do to me next
~Have a public orgasm

5) Have you seen anybody naked? If so, who?
Not in person. I've done a little snapchattin' though...

6) Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
I don't even know. I think I have an innate desire to be liked, which manifests itself into a desire to please in order to be praised. Nevertheless I'm also dominant at times and enjoy being commanding, though not completely for my own gratification. They have to enjoy it and challenge me, too, otherwise there's no appeal.

7) What part of your body is your favorite and why?
Can hair be a body part? No? Erm... lips, then. I think they're a nice shape.

8) What part of your body do you like the least and why?
I'd say my stomach but that's obvious. I'll say feet because they're too big; I can never find shoes *sadface*

9) Have you ever lost a stripping game? If so what happened?
No, never played one. Hm, opportunity...

10) What age did you have your first orgasm?
Er, 15, I think. That's when I started masturbating, anyway, so I assume it was then :P

11) How often do you masturbate?
Generally about once a day, though it can vary a lot.

12) Have you ever masturbated whilst someone else has been in the same room or in front of someone? If so who?
No, (unless you count video/snapchat. In which case, also no. *ahem*)

13) Have you ever tasted your own cum? If so how did it taste?
Yes, though there's not much to taste. Not from my finger, anyway. The little bit I got was kinda salty and had a hint of something else... pussy, I suppose. Couldn't pin it down to any other taste :P

14) Tell everyone reading what you wear to bed?
Oh, so sexy... Pyjamas. Because I'm cute like that :P

15) If I gave you 24 hours to live, what sexual activities would you carry out?

~Sex in a public place
~Being displayed in a public place
~Being blindfolded and not knowing which of my friends is touching me
~Attempting to get with my teacher
~Something anal
~All the other things I want to try but am scared to :P

16) Do you enjoy giving oral?
Wouldn't know. I'd like to think I could be okay with it so long as it was pleasing them, but otherwise it seems quite uncomfortable.

17) Have you ever tried anything anal? If yes, what?

18) Would you rather sleep with a guy or a girl?
A guy.

19) When was the last time you orgasmed and what did you think about?
Er, last night, I think (I'm tired. I can't think straight.) & I was thinking about... um, platonic fucking...

20) Describe your pubic hair style?

21) How much would you charge for...
(i) Sex with someone of a different sex?
I'm going to say the same as other people have; if I liked the person, nothing. If not... Well, I wouldn't be sleeping with them! ;p

(ii) Sex with someone of the same sex?

(iii) Giving oral to a guy?

(iv) Giving oral to a girl?

22) List your three most desired places you would like to have sex?

~On a beach
~Within the books & bondage palace/dungeon ;p
~Doctor's bed. Preferably with him in it.

23) Have you any sexual experiences in public places? If so please describe.

24) What's the longest you've gone inbetween orgasms?
About 12 days, I think. Not by choice.

25) Does the thought of being humiliated turn you on?
Quite a bit...

26) Have you ever had anyone tie you up? If so did you like it?
No, though I would very much like to try it. And I know someone who would like to try it on me ;P
I want to see what happens when I lose all control of a situation and have no choice but to be used as someone else sees fit.

27) If I made you invisible for the day, how would you use your new power for your sexual gratification?
Hehe, I think I'd sneak up on people and expose them; yanking trousers down and skirts up, unbuttoning shirts... It'd also be great to do the obvious and pop into a male changing room to perv on all the hot guys. Especially when they're in the shower ;p Also it'd be a lot of fun to be around people completely naked etc. without them knowing at all. In short, I'd indulge in every form of voyeurism/exhibitionism possible ;p

28) Have you ever been caught masturbating, or has anyone caught you whilst you were naked? If so who and when?
Nope, neither, though I've come close a couple of times when people have barged into my room etc. (bit awkward.)

29) What is the most embarrassing dare you have ever been given to do?
Not so much what I have to do, but how I'm treated during & if I have to record any of it in any form. I do tend to make an array of sounds...

30) Ask your own question here for the next person: classic if changed to the opposite gender for 24 hours what would you do?
The obvious: have sex. Masturbate. Generally find out what it's like to have a penis. Pee standing up. Be manly :P

My question for you: how vocal are you when you cum? Do you pant/moan/yell etc.

ama / discord / likes & limits

not looking to play with anyone

likes: dad jokes, pretty people, vodka.
dislikes: granny panties, sloths, tea.

however much you use me baby come on use me more

Last edited by Siren; 04-24-2013 at 12:06 PM.
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