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Old 12-22-2012, 02:26 AM   #20
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 52
Default Read this to understand list.

Final Wedgie List Info.
This is the LAST time that I will repost these first 100 wedgies, which are now completely alphabetized.
This page is simply to give info about the post and why I did it. The last 3 paragraphs are important to understand a portion of the list. Read the sections titled (READ THIS!!!!!!), (THIS TOO!!!!), and (LAST ONE!!).
This is my posting of the first 100 wedgies that I have put on this site. This makes this the largest wedgie list that I have seen. If anyone notices any repeats, or knows of a wedgie list that is larger please let me know. Also, if a list that is longer than this one is only longer because they listed the same wedgie multiple times but written in different ways, then please do not count it as longer. The reason that I decided to compile this list is because the wedgiegirls websites, which I often used, seems to have been closed.

(READ THIS!!!!!!) Any wedgie that has a star(*) next to its name is a wedgie idea that I have had, but have never tested because I either do not have the resources to do it, or I thought it was too dangerous. I do not know if it will work, but if anyone is willing to try it, please let me know if it works! And always, please be careful, wedgies are meant to inflict pain, but that doesn't mean they have to cause serious injuries! If one is believed to be to dangerous in real life, then it can be used in a story, because, after all, nothing is to dangerous for fiction! Remember all marked wedgies are strictly try at your own risk. This mark does not necessarily mean that the wedgie is dangerous, nor does it mean that I made it up myself.
(THIS TOO!!!!) If a wedgie has two stars(**) beside it, then it is a wedgie that I found online, but I'm not sure if it will actually work, or if it is actually safe to do if it does work. *Note that if a wedgie is unmarked, then I have either tried it myself, or have found sufficient proof that it is doable.
(LAST ONE!!) If a wedgie is marked by three stars(***) then it is a wedgie that I had heard rumors of it being done, but have not been able to confirm it. These are included for two reasons: one is because they may be good for fictional stories, and two: as filler. It is very difficult to come up with this many wedgies.
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