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Old 08-29-2012, 06:15 PM   #8
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Edinburgh
Posts: 11

Name: Lauren
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Location: England

Answer the next THIRTY DIRTY questions with honesty and detail.

1) Do you prefer to shower or bath?
A shower. I never feel clean after a bath!

2) Tell everyone reading what you are currently wearing?
Nothing but a black, lace thong

3) If you had your own slave for the day, what would you have them do?
I'd make sure they were restrained and force them to come multiple times.

4) If you were a slave for the day what would you like to do?
be spanked silly, be tied up and used whichever way Sir wants

5) Have you seen anybody naked? If so, who?
I've seen 3 girls and around 15 boys naked.

6) Are you naturally submissive or dominant?

7) What part of your body is your favorite and why?
I love my bum and my eyes. My arse is a nightmare to get into jeans but looks rather good naked, if i may say so myself. My eyes are a blue/grey and i'm told they're one of my best features.

8) What part of your body do you like the least and why?
My breasts or my thighs. Breasts are too small, thighs are too big

9) Have you ever lost a stripping game? If so what happened?
I've never played a stripping game moving to uni soon, however, so i'm sure this will all change, haha!

10) What age did you have your first orgasm?
I was nine. I've been sexual since a young age.

11) How often do you masturbate?
at least once a day

12) Have you ever masturbated whilst someone else has been in the same room or in front of someone? If so who?
My ex, at a house party under blankets, in a toilet halfway down the ski slopes in colorado (i had a thing for orgasming in the weirdest of places!)

13) Have you ever tasted your own cum? If so how did it taste?
I have. Musky.

14) Tell everyone reading what you wear to bed?
Nothing. i like to feel free

15) If I gave you 24 hours to live, what sexual activities would you carry out?
everything minus the crazy, inhumane shit like faeces, children, pissing etc

16) Do you enjoy giving oral?
absolutely. i prefer giving than receiving

17) Have you ever tried anything anal? If yes, what?
my ex put a finger there when i was about to come before, it made it pretty intense! The thought of anal sex interests me, but not for a few years i don't think.

18) Would you rather sleep with a guy or a girl?
A guy, but a girl can join in if she'd like!

19) When was the last time you orgasmed and what did you think about?
twice, earlier in the day. i was doing one of the orgasm dares on here- lie down with a vibrator between your legs for 10 minutes and you're not allowed to move it if you come. very hard.

20) Describe your pubic hair style?
I have none

21) How much would you charge for...
(i) Sex with someone of a different sex?
I wouldn't charge for sex, but if i took up prostitution as a career?
(ii) Sex with someone of the same sex?
(iii) Giving oral to a guy?
(iv) Giving oral to a girl?

22) List your three most desired places you would like to have sex?
On an airplane, in the sea, in a room full of people watching and joining in

23) Have you any sexual experiences in public places? If so please describe.
my first experience with receiving oral was on a busy road in the dead of night. big thrill in doing that. Not much else though, i'd like to do more.

24) What's the longest you've gone inbetween orgasms?
perhaps five days at most?

25) Does the thought of being humiliated turn you on?
embarrassingly so, yes.

26) Have you ever had anyone tie you up? If so did you like it?
I had my ex handcuff me to the banister but he didn't enjoy it. I, for one, loved it.

27) If I made you invisible for the day, how would you use your new power for your sexual gratification?
i'd touch everyone in inappropriate places in public. In a classroom, rub people's private parts and see if they can stay silent! or go to the mens showers, take them in my mouth! gosh, i guess it'd be fun.

28) Have you ever been caught Masturbating, or has anyone caught you whilst you were naked? If so who and when?
A friend who is 3 years younger walked in on my friend tanning me when i was naked. he stared for a second too long, if you understand.
my mum's walked in and i've stopped really quickly, my ex caught me masturbating all the time- he wasn't very sexual.

29) What is the most embarrassing dare you have ever been given to do?
get naked in a pool with just 7 guys. i did it with grace!

30) Ask your own question here for the next person...

What's your favourite category of porn?

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