Thread: Fiction: The Office Strip
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Old 08-18-2012, 07:16 AM   #61
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 454

I slept for a lot of the next day, recovering from the hangover and fatigue, and to be honest, nerves. It'd been exhilarating, but tiring, and I needed a bit of time to rest.

The next week went by in a bit of a blur and the weekend was a fairly normal one - Playstation, football, cinema, shopping, the usual stuff.

I'd completely forgotten, but the next week was our office summer party. It was supposed to be our summer party, but had been delayed because ... well, I'm not sure. The rumour were a combination of poor organisation, small budgets and lack of willing from the senior management to pay for anything. I could believe all of them to be honest.

A couple of the office malcontents were moaning that it might not actually happen, but lo and behold, our office manager gave a short speech at the end of the day, then the MD gave a short speech on how pleased he was to work with us all, and then we adjourned to a bar where we had a small area hired. There was a karaoke room, and the caterwauling from the senior partners was atrocious. But the drinks were free and my team were a reasonably good laugh.

I also got talking to the two IT guys I'd seen in the office before, and got invited to their next LAN party, which I tentatively accepted. I relaxed with a beer in my hand, laughing slightly at our drunk senior execs - this was probably the most fun they had all year, except for the Christmas party.
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