Thread: Fiction: The Office Strip
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Old 07-16-2012, 10:35 AM   #16
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 454

8pm: I rolled my toes in the carpet, feeling gloriously exposed, jubilant, afraid, sick and thrilled. This would be a night to remember, not just another night of going to the pub, knocking a ball around or going home and playing PS3. This was something else.

I squirmed around and then realised I was putting things off. The faster I could do this, the better. I fiddled with my camera app for a second, my sweaty fingers taking a few presses to register on the screen. Then I set up the phone beside my pod with a clear view of me from the side, naked at my desk. It flashed and I looked around guiltily, cowering beneath my desk for a second. Then it was all quiet again and I looked at the photo - you could clearly see me naked.

I got up, walking around bent over, trying to obscure my penis against desks and photocopiers, then realised that there really was no-one around and I could just walk around. Still feeling a bit afraid, I sauntered around the office, jumping with joy a few times until I realised that someone might catch a glimpse of me from a window.

As I approached the door, I heard something that made my hands shake and vomit rise in my throat. The office shower was on, and I was standing right outside it. Either someone had left it on, or one of the cleaners was in there.

Or - oh crap - the girl from the other office. I started to run back to my desk but then realised that if I put my clothes back on, I'd probably never take them off again - and that the time delay between photos would probably cause Jamie to ask some questions.

My mind wasn't thinking clearly but I knew what I had to do. I needed to get to the roof and hope that by the time I got back, the person in the shower had left. Leaving the (relatively) safe domain of the office, I looked around outside, opened the door and stepped onto the cold, white tiles in the foyer.
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