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Old 06-22-2008, 11:15 AM   #10
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 18

No sooner did he get his pee pee put away we heard my parents car pull in the driveway. My sister was home from gymnastics with my parents and Aunt and Uncle. We quickly ran back to our rooms to get our bras back on. While we were in Kelly's room I started to feel bad for her stepbrother. I mean he had to be mortified with having to get naked not to mention his lack of development. I basically told he I though we should back off. Thats when she got a little more in to detail about what he had done back home. When she was done I no longer felt bad for him, but more for the girls he in my opinon who he disrespected their privacy. He was a pig and a pervert. I agreed with her that he should have to feel the emarassment and humiliation that he put those girls through. Kelly explained his lack of development and tic tac dick was gods way of punishing him for what he was doing to other kids and it was up to us to make sure he learned that being naked infront of others of the opposite sex is extremely embarassing.
When we were finished we went back down stairs where my mother informed me that a couple of Chrissy's freinds from Gymnastics where going to be stoping by this afternoon to use the pool and asked If I wouldnt mind keeping an eye on them for a few hours. They were going to take our Aunt and Uncle our for a early dinner and a show. I gladly agreed.
I went into the family room where Chrissy was sitting still in her leotard from Gymnastics talking on the phone to see who she had invited over. I noticed Timmy who was pretending to watch TV keep leering at my sister chest. It was evident he had not learned his lesson at all.
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