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Old 06-22-2008, 10:44 AM   #8
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Jeff woke up over the past couple of days he had just done normal camp activites and it was his last day today. He met with Ruth they went to the woods and found a spot. They put a blanket down and around them was trees and bushes and you could not see them there at all. They dare each other a few dares then they decied to get it on. Ruth slowly bent down with her arse hole sticking out ready to resive cock. Jeff pushed his rock hard cock in at fisrt it would not go in but slowly he got faster pushing it in and out. Next thing Jeff was ramming Ruths arse pumping away into her after wot seemed like hours of fun Jeff was ready to explode he felt the saman working its way towards the end of his cock and its shot out Ruth screamed megar loud.

They lay there naked hugging they had just had perfect bumage. They ared each other to go back to camp naked. They started walking and then when they came to the square they ran oppisite directions to there room. Jeff bumped ino a random guy he looked at Jeff. Jeff slapped his own arse said vivala Jeff and ran in his room. God knows why Jeff did that but he went to sleep with a huge smile. In the moring Jeff got ready and met Ruth they were on the same coach they went to the back of the coach and pulled out a sleeping bag they both got in side it. it was a double bag so they had room. They was on the same coach so it was empty they stripped naked and slowly got on top of each other for the 8 hour journey on the way home they lasted going fast then slow then relly slow. When he was ready ruth got in a pattern and Jeff cummed it felt amazing he had waited like that for 2 hours and he came every wer it leaked out. Jeff said that was the best orgasum he had ever had. Ruth said shes orgasumed meny times during the journey.

they got of the coach hugged and went seprate ways Jeff went home said hi to the family and went to bed. Next time he was going to wank he promised him self he would last as long as hecould to get anoher great orgasum. With the end of camp and some of the best sex in the world Jeff went to sleep he had a mighty fine camp.

hope the wait was worth it sorry i dint post in a while more storys will come from Jeff soon hope you had as much fun reading it as i did typeing it
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