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Old 06-20-2008, 07:55 AM   #5
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 18

Unfortunately my sister had gymnastics so she was unable to play at this point so it was back to Timmy. This time he had no choice but to go with dare. It was my turn to come up with something so I dare him to wear his sisters panties. Kelly giggled and glady went to my room to retrieve a pair of her panties. When she got back she just threw them at him adding I'm sure this is not the first time. Timmy got up and started walking towards the bathroom when his sister stopped him and said no way right here. This time he seemed a little anoyed, but turned his back to us and removed his shorts, then his underware. When he bent over to put his sisters underware on you could see his testes. It was just small very smooth round bump. It was clear his testes were not hanging like a mans at this point. Still high and dry as they say. He put his shorts back on and sat down. It was my Turn and I had to go with dare, Timmy without hesitation said to take my bras off and go brasless. I guess he was thinking I had to remove my shirt, but I just removed it and pulled it down throgh the bottom of my shirt. Back to Kelly and my trun to dare. I dared her to take her bras off also. She seemed a little surprised, but I didnt want to be the only one brasless. She did the same as me and removed her bras and slid it down through the bottom of her shirt. Her breasts were much more noticible though with the shirt she had on. They were pretty good size six months ago and for some reason they seemed even larger bursting almost out of her shirt. It was back to Timmy and his sisters turn to dare. She quickly said I dare you to let Cynthia (me) measure your penis. At this point he started to get pissy again saying that it was gross and ther was no way. I was feeling a little grossed out by it also, but once again she reminded him of the deal. Kelly ashed me to get a ruler do the honors. I went up to my room and retrieved a ruler and returned. Timmy stood up and stood with his arms crossed almos like he was protesting. He then looked at his sister with eyes that could kill and dropped his short and sisters underare. Out popped his pee pee. I say pee pee because it want big enough to be a dick or a cock, it was just that a little boys pee pee. To my surprise it wasnt much bigger than the last time I saw it. It was skinny and was just pointing straight out on his golfball size lump testes. With the exception of some really sparse pubic hairs it was the same. I took the ruler and place it next to it and measure. 1.4 inches, just a little under a inch and a half. His sister already laughing asked him where the other four inches went. At this point his face was beat red and he quickly pulled his shorts back up. to be cont
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