Thread: Fiction: Immoral Teaching
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Old 05-13-2012, 09:36 AM   #209
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Default Immoral Teaching Part Forty Six

He paced about the room. Crying one minute, face blaring red the next, and then sobbing within the following. His body was shaking and his eyes were flooded with tears to the point that the whole hospital room could only be seen as a blurred mess of opaque colors. He wanted to sit down and think to himself that this was all just a bad dream and he wanted to believe that none of this had ever taken place. To himself, for just a moment, he even thought that he wished he had never known her the way he did and that they would just be back at school, oblivious of each other.

There was a knock on her room door and the doctor who had been examining her walked in. To his surprise Jack quickly walked over to him and have screamed. "Why isn't she awake yet!?"

"Calm down, I'm only trying to do my job. She.."

"You job is to bring her back to health, to get her to wake up, to make her open her eyes and see me waiting here!" Jack shouted, interrupting the doctor.

The doctor put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "It's alright, now if you'd listen to me now I'll answer your question." Jack nodded reluctantly. "She hasn't awakened yet for the simple fact that her body is exhausted. Going through such a traumatic thing as going into a coma and staying in it for a little while can take a toll on someone’s body. She is still asleep because she simply wants to be asleep. I can promise you right now she will awaken."

Jack takes a deep breath. "Alright, thank you doctor."

The doctor left the room and Jack went back to his purposeless pacing. After watching Heather sleep for nearly 48 hours now he was restless. He walked over, kissed her forehead, and left the hospital. The drive back to his uncle's house was stressful, but once he was there all of his angry rushed to his head.

He walked in the house through the garage door, his right hand clenching the gun holstered in his back pocket. There was music playing in the office at the back of the house where Henry managed his finances. Jack made his way slowly through the house. Each room looked untouched since he left with Heather and even the carpet had not been ruffled by someone's footsteps. Once in front of the office door he could hear his uncle moving around inside the room. He pulled the gun from his pocket and held it with both hands in front of him. It came quite clear that now was the time to make a drastic decision and with that mental motion Jack began to open the door.
I am the author of "A Hidden Voice" and "Immoral Teaching". Thank you for everyone's comments on my writing. And my stories do not continue without comments. That means *no new parts till there are new comments*
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