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Old 01-21-2012, 10:35 PM   #1
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Rainbow <3 What a trip.. [M/M]

Hey all. This is a story I've had in my head for a while and finally decided to write. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to give feed back

So now I’m sitting here wondering exactly what to do, I have come out to my best friends parents, to ¾ my friends. I didn’t even know if I was gay or bi or what! It has been the strangest few months, excitement, fear, sadness, SUPERFUCKING HAPPINESS and everything in between.

I guess I should start from the beginning, this is my story and on that note I should probably let you know who I am. Hi, I'm Brad, I'd wave but you wouldn't see me, I’m 16, I’m about average height, maybe just a tad smaller, I have blonde hair that isn’t long but isn’t short, just long enough to get into my eyes and annoy me sometimes but I like it. I normally change my hairstyle and colour every few months but it’s been blonde for a while now, anyway. I’m in pretty good shape I guess, I have a small (barely noticeable) outline of a 4 pack I’m skinny but not scrawny, just slim. I like being this way, I’d hate to look like Arnie!.. wait, I’m rambling again, enough about me for now. My best friend is Jarred, he is 15 just about to turn 16 and his cute! His shorter than me and slim too, he has a 6 pack though, he has blue eyes and light brown hair. He is honestly more fun to be around than anyone on this earth!

Anyway back to the story I guess, we had just won our football (soccer) grand final against our main rivals 4-1 and after the celebrations we were told that our coach had organised a tour type trip to England leaving in 2 weeks. After the mass celebrations and asking about 400 times if he was joking we all calmed down enough to actually speak English and spent the rest of the day watching the older teams play and talking about our future holiday.

The last 2 weeks had gone so slow but the day finally arrived. I just finished packing my bags and placed them in the van, I hugged my best friend and we were on our way. This was our first time overseas and my first time on a plane, to say I was excited was a massive understatement! The trip to the airport wasn’t a long one and after only a few minutes we were checking in our luggage. Once the boring stuff was taken care of Jarred, our team mate James and I ran off checking out every part of the airport, we ended up hearing our names on the intercom telling us to board the plane and knew we would be in trouble but we eventually made it. We talked about the trip ahead and the games we were to play while boarding the plane and waiting for take off.

After about 2 hours of flying almost everyone was asleep from the sleeping pills coach gave us to relax and reduce jetlag. Jarred and I were the only 2 who didn't take them and the only 2 on our half of the plane awake so we decided to play a game. We had to pull down the pants of all the guys in our team. Whoever got the most without getting busted won. I went first and went for Tim who was in the aisle next to me. I reached over and easily slid down his track pants leaving him sitting in only his boxers and shirt. Jarred went for Beau and managed to take his shorts completely off and hide them under the seat. Beau was wearing black boxer briefs showing off his sizable package after another turn each we got board and decided to see if we could get someone’s pants and underwear off completely. We looked around for a target and decided on James. He always had a habit of being picked on, on a school trip we shaved his eyebrows and threw away all his underwear so he was the perfect target. We both walked over and undid his seat belt Jarred undid his shoes while I kept look out, Jarred struggled but eventually undid his belt and pants zip as we slid down his pants leaving him in just his boxers showing a small tent we looked at each other holding back our laughter as we pulled down his boxers...
HI <3 I am male! -.-

I'm Bi!, You're the one thats confused

Check out my story <3 What a trip.. [M/M] and let me know what you think

<3 Jonnor <3
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