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Old 01-11-2012, 06:33 PM   #36
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Location: Slough, UK
Posts: 111

Originally Posted by EmmaLang View Post
@ ElyaC (Dare)

OK I did this dare this afternoon and I have to say it was amazin to do.

I spent about 2 hours at home just drinking pints of water, I have no idea how many I
had drunken but it was a fair few and I needed a piss before I even left the house.

I got changed at home I put on a pair of jeans and some stiletto shoes, no underwear and a
hoodie, I left the house with no coat and started to walk to the local tesco's which is approx
a 25 min walk from my house, it was a cold day today which made needing a piss a lot worse.

When I reached the shop I was already bursting for a piss and ready to piss myself even if it
was not planned, I walked in and ran over to the first payment isle, there was a middle aged
man at the till scanning people goods and there was a long line of people queuing up waiting
to pay, the other isles were busy as well so there was a lot of people around.

I ran up to this guy and around the back of the check out so I was facing everyone queuing
and asked the man at the till where the toilets were as I was busting for the loo, he started to
point and tell me where they were but I started to piss myself, it was very warm running down
my legs and into my shoes, I could see my jeans turning dark blue where the piss had reached.

I looked up and everyone was looking at me, some were laughing while others had their hand
over their mouth either trying to stop themselves from laughing or just shocked that I had pissed
myself .

I stood there pissing and I thought it was never going to end it just kept flowing and my jeans were
nearly all wet by this stage, the man at the till just watched with his mouth open, I do not think he could
believe what was happening. I must have pissed for a good minute and when it finally stopped I looked
up again at everyone in the shop looking at me, I pretended to start crying and ran from the shop, I could
hear them all laughing as I left the shop.

I then walked the 25 mins back home in soaking pissed jeans, they were very cold by the time I got
home and I past a few people on the way who gave me some very strange looks, I just smiles at them
and said " I had an accident" and carried on walking home.

Once home I took them off and they were still soaking, my legs were wet and freezing.

Luv Emma XxX
Haha I'm glad you enjoyed it, will have to think up something worse... sorry, better, now.
For a day or two collect all your piss, fill 3 bottles (hiding them at the same time so noone finds them) it shouldn't take long. Then take them in a bag (rucksack? or handbag?) and go clothes shopping on your own. Throughout your trip you should be drinking your piss until you have finished all of it. Whilst doing so you should be asking members of staff normal questions like where the changing rooms are, and other woman-like questions.
When finished you may be thirsty so go refill a bottle for a drink on the way home.
I promise the next dare won't include piss...
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