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Old 12-18-2011, 08:50 AM   #18
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Default A perillious situation

Well, here goes. This is the next part. I will be taking votes until Wednesday December 21st. The next part should be in by Christmas! I hope you enjoy!



Kristy didn’t know what to say. She was afraid of what could happen if she ratted out her blackmailer. “We’ve been getting reports of blackmail for a little over two years now”; the words resonated in her head. ‘Why hadn’t anyone stepped forward before?’, she wondered. ‘And who were the other people who had gotten blackmailed? Were they still going through everything silently?’, she continued asking herself.

- What happens if I speak up, Kristy finally asked.
- Well, we will follow the school protocol for blackmail, the principal answered, evasively.
- And, what does this protocol consist of? Kristy persisted.
- I hardly think it would interest you, the man responded.
- Sir, Kristy responded with a falsely confident voice, you are asking me to take the risk of having these photos posted all over the place without knowing what I’m getting myself into.
- The person will be called in, interrogated, searched and the police and parents contacted, he answered after what seemed like ages.

Kristy slumped back against the chair, bringing her gaze up over her interlocutor’s head to think. It’s something she had taken a habit of doing ever since she was a child. As she stared at nothing in particular, she was suddenly distracted by a very slight movement. Adjusting her gaze to bring the movement into focus, the girl noticed that it was the second hand on the wall-mounted clock that had attracted her attention. She felt an involuntary twitch in her southern parts as she noticed that it was now 3:30. Without thinking, Kristy brought her hand to her left hip to the place where the little tube of arousal gel had been kept all afternoon. She felt a slight panic as she realized that it wasn’t there , but then realized that she still had her gym shorts on. ‘I guess I’ll be skipping an application after all’ she thought. She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by the deep voice of the man sitting opposite her:
- Miss Rivers? He said, expectation in his tone.

Kristy shifted her position and looked at her principal again. She was about to spit out the name, but an idea occurred. If she could finish her week, perhaps she could get the pictures back and then everything would end.

- Sir, Kristy finally spoke up, if I tell you the name now, can you wait until Monday morning before taking action?
- And why would I do that? The man asked, answering her question with a question.
- Because, I feel like I may be able to retrieve the pictures tomorrow evening, Kristy answered, trying to sound confident.
- You believe that the blackmail will cease on Friday? Retorted the principal, sounding thoroughly unconvinced.
- Please Sir, she whispered.

Kristy waited anxiously and she looked across at the headmaster. He seemed deep in thought, his hand at the base of his chin in a posture. After a moment, Kristy heard him take in a breath:

- All right, he finally said.
- Now, how about you get that name off your chest, he continued, clasping his hands over one of the four snapshots of Kristy.

Kristy bowed her head down in embarrassment, ‘why doesn’t he put the pictures away?’ she wondered, annoyed with the way she had been treated so far. It was weird, but she felt as though she wasn’t doing the right thing even though she knew full well that the only way to put a stop to blackmail was to speak up. The principal had, however, agreed to wait, though she had no proof that he would, and Kristy felt compelled to keep up her part of the bargain.

-McLean, she finally said, her voice hardly more than a whisper. Alicia McLean.

The teen looked up again, trying to study the face of the man sitting in front of her. If he’d already thought that Alicia was behind it all he didn’t show it. Actually, his face stayed neutral as he jotted down the name in his steady hand. No smile, no comforting look, no look of worry came across his face. Kristy became very nervous.

- Thank you for your…cooperation, the man finally said. You may be excused now.

Kristy couldn’t say anything. She left the office as quickly as she could and made her way back to the gymnasiums on shaking legs. By the time she got there, class was over and everyone was either helping to put away the volleyball equipment or changing. Kristy followed the second group, eager to leave school as quickly as possible. She was all dressed and ready to go when she remembered that she had to meet up with her blackmailer in front of the usual washroom.

Kristy let out a sigh of relief when she saw who was waiting for her at the meeting point.

- Alicia told me that I was to bring you to her place after school. The other three need to set up some things, Sean said after exchanging a short greeting with the girl.
- Ok, answered Kristy.
- She also said that I was to handle the punishment if you’d missed an application of the gel. He answered.
- And I hope for your sake you didn’t, the teen continued producing an envelope from within his jean pocket.

Kristy blushed, a sign that she was guilty of missing more than one application. Though the blushing could have been for shame, it was more because of the embarrassment she felt at knowing that she felt aroused by the fact that it was Sean who was responsible for looking over her punishment.

- How many? He asked, recognizing the admission of guilt.
- Two, Kristy answered. I was called to the principal’s office last period so I missed my 3:30 and 4:00 applications.
- You what? Why were you called there? Sean asked, trying to mask the panic in his voice.
- Well, Kristy answered uneasily, he knew that I was being blackmailed. He had the pictures and all and he wanted a name. He told me that there had been reports of blackmail for the past two years to which no one had been able to put a stop to because no one had spoken up. He even took out the prints that Alicia made. I couldn’t do otherwise.

Kristy’s voice became quieter and quieter as she finished talking. The look of worry that washed over Sean’s face as she explained herself made her want to go back in time and unspeak the name.

- Sean? What’s wrong? What did I do wrong? Kristy asked, her voice shaking.
- Shit, reflected Sean, out loud.
- Shit what? She asked.
- Do you know why blackmail has been going on for over two years? It’s not because no one has spoken out about it. It’s because the headmaster is Alicia’s uncle. He protects her.

Kristy’s face went from red to white within seconds as she realized what the news implied.

- So what do I do? Do I go to the police straight away? She asked.
- The last person that did that ended up being the one who had problems with the law. When the police went to interrogate the principal and Alicia, the blackmail material had been modified to point towards the person who had been living through it, he answered.
- So what do I do? Kristy repeated.
- Well right now, we should get going, lest Alicia thinks we’re plotting against her. Then, when we get to her place, you can choose to either confess as soon as you can, or pretend that nothing has happened and see where that leads you, he answered.
- Ok. She answered, it’s not like there’s anything more I can do. So, what is in that envelope? Kristy asked.
- Ah. A choice, obviously, Sean answered.

Kristy took in a breath as she grabbed the envelope from Sean’s hands. He own hands were still trembling slightly from the news she had just learned. Kristy extracted the two cue cards from the white envelope, flipping each one to read the fate she would choose.

Option #1: For each missed application of the gel, you will have 30 minutes of continual edging to do. You will apply a fresh coat of arousal gel before the half-hour starts and edge, waiting five minutes between edges. You are to start as soon as you finish reading this. This means that you will be performing this task in Sean’s car on you way to my place and will be continuing once you’re here. And don’t forget, you are not to orgasm.

Option#2: For each missed application of the gel, you will apply a pea-sized amount of the cream Sean holds directly to your clit with a half hour break between applications. You are also to have two clothespins on each labium for 30 minutes for each missed application. You will be allowed a 5-minute break to get the blood flowing again before reapplying the clothespins if necessary (ie: if you’ve missed more than one application).

- What is the cream you are holding? Asked Kristy.
- It’s a cream that contains menthol. You can bet that it’s going to burn like hell, he answered.
- So, I have the choice between being constantly aroused for an hour and hoping that I can stay away from an orgasm or being in pain for an hour? She assessed.
- That’s correct, Sean concluded. But you have to choose quickly he said suddenly pulling his phone out one of his pockets, Alicia is getting restless.

Your choice:
- Should Kristy pick option 1 and hope that she will be able to control her arousal?
- Or should she pick option 2 and learn to work through the pain?
Quirky, fun & happy 32/F/bicurious/sub

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My stories: Kristy's New School (completed), The Dungeon of Dark Desires (in progress)

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