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Old 11-27-2011, 03:25 PM   #16
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Default The new task

Writing is funny sometimes. There are times where there’s nothing to do: though inspiration is there, nothing seems to come out right. Other times, everything flows without effort. Last week I was struggling to write, this week I was struggling to stop writing and give you a choice to make. So here it is. I hope you like the new addition to the story.

You’ll have until Wednesday November 30th to vote. I’ll be posting the results Thursday morning.

Kristy’s brain felt fuzzy. Between the lack of sleep and the blackmail she had trouble organizing her thoughts. She knew she wanted to believe Sean, but should she? After all, he did admit to telling Alicia he’d make her fail her punishment and give her an orgasm, but he claims it was only to protect her. Although Kristy cared a great deal for Sean, Alicia had managed to let doubt creep into her head. The girl thought back on the previous evening. Sean had taken advantage of his position and hers after all. ‘And he did try to make me cum’, Kristy thought. But something didn’t add up. Though he hadn’t been completely up front with her by not telling her what he was up to, he had not gone against her wishes. Ever. Alicia on the other hand, was devious in her methods, choosing blackmail, manipulation and trickery to arrive at her means. Sean had confided in Kristy that Alicia had cheated on the cell phone task just because she was annoyed that Kristy had found the correct answer. Then again, there was no telling if it was true or not, but it did give the girl hope.

Kristy risked looking up to study the faces that were eagerly awaiting her conclusion. Devon and Caitlin were seemingly very interested in the outcome of the jest whereas Alicia seemed to be enjoying the situation way too much. Kristy then turned her gaze to Sean, hoping that she could read an answer in his face. He looked worried, genuinely worried at the situation. Kristy closed her eyes. In this situation, she needed an ally but she also needed to tread carefully. She decided to take a leap of faith and put her trust in Sean.

- Fine. It doesn’t matter anyway; I didn’t finish my time in the showers so I know that I can’t get away from punishment there. But I did not have an orgasm and I think you know that.
- Glad to see that you have come to the side of reason, Alicia said. Though I think we should amend your sentence. I’m sure what you meant to say is that you have not had an orgasm yet.

Alicia laughed, seeing Kristy’s face become red with a mix of embarrassment, anger and fear.

- Now, Alicia continued, I quite believe that the arrangement for choosing to wear your bra instead of panties was that you needed to be kept in a state of arousal.

As she finished her sentence, Alicia and Caitlin exchanged glances; a silent cue for the girl to speak up.

- Here, Caitlin said, tossing a small bottle to Kristy. You are to apply a drop of this every half hour until told otherwise by Alicia, Devon or myself.
- Oh, added Alicia, and you cannot ask to be excused from class to go apply it.
- But, I can’t do that in class! Kristy exclaimed.
- Well you’ll have to, Alicia said. Besides, for every application you miss you’ll be in for a hell of a punishment, not telling you what it is now though, I’ll let you find out in time if necessary.
- And I know you won’t lie, it was Caitlin’s turn to talk, you’ve always been honest so far and it had better continue.
- It’s almost twelve thirty, finished Alicia, you’d better take care of that. I, on the other hand, am going to have lunch now. How about you meet me in front of the girls’ washroom at the end of the day so that you can get to my place after?

Alicia didn’t give Kristy any time to respond. She turned her back to the girl and started walking away towards the cafeteria closely followed by Caitlin and Devon, her two faithful lapdogs. Sean stayed behind.

- Let me walk with you to the washroom so you can take care of that. I think I know what Alicia has in mind for you if you miss an application and it doesn’t sound pleasant, he said.

The two began walking towards the washroom.

- I’m sorry, Sean said, when they had arrived to their destination. I should have told you about my talk with Alicia.
- It’s fine, Kristy answered. Will you be at her place after school?
- She invited Devon, Caitlin and I, but I don’t know if I want to go or not. She going to want to get back at both of us for last night, he said.
- I don’t care. Please come, Kristy whispered.
- Ok, I’ll be there, Sean reassured Kristy.

Sean extracted his cell phone from his back pocket to check the time.

- I’ll wait for you here. When you’re back out, we can go have lunch, ok?
- Ok.

Kristy turned around and entered the washroom. Mechanically walking to the very furthest stall, she entered locking the door behind her and sat on the toilet. She uncurled the fist that had been holding the small bottle Caitlin had tossed her to try to figure out what it was. ‘Great’, she thought ‘the label has been peeled off’. The bottle, a black one, was in a cylindrical shape, barely bigger than a tube of chapstick. Taking off the protective cap, Kristy noticed a pump mechanism. She put her right index finger just under the pump. Holding the bottle between her left thumb and middle finger, Kristy pushed on the top all the way, letting a pea-sized amount of a clear gel fall on her right finger. Curious, she brought the gel up to her nose to take in its smell. It had a very light smell, one that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, almost like a mix of ambasol, ginger and menthol. ‘Well, may as well go though with this’ Kristy thought.

After putting the little tube on the pad disposal bin, Kristy undid her pants with her free hand. Then, after pulling back the hood of her clit, she brought her right index to her exposed clit and quickly massaged the gel in for a few seconds before pulling her pants back up. At first, she felt a slight warming of her area, as though she had put a heat pad on her clit. However, the sensation didn’t last very long as it was quickly replaced by a very slight cooling sensation. But that’s not all she felt. ‘Oh shit, the afternoon is going to be very long’, she thought realizing that her lady parts were swollen with pleasure; the gel had made her instantly horny.

Kristy took in a breath and pocketed the little tube. She took the few steps that were separating her from the stall door and exited, stopping to wash her hands before rejoining Sean.

- Can we eat not too far off? She asked. This gel is quite potent and I don’t know how far I’m going to make it with my pants rubbing against me the way they are.
- Arousal gel? Sean asked in answer to her question.
- I expect it is, Kristy answered.
- Well, we could always go sit outside, Sean said, pointing to the door that was a few meters from the washrooms.
- Good plan.

Kristy and Sean ate their lunches on a slab of concrete in front of the school doors. Kristy was happy, now that she was sitting down and not moving too much, she couldn’t feel the effects of the gel as much. As they were nearing the end of their respective lunches, the sensation had almost disappeared.

- Oh! Kristy exclaimed, fishing her cell phone out of one of her pockets.
- Sorry, she explained, chuckling at Sean’s puzzled look, it was vibrating: text message.

Kristy looked down on at the screen of her phone. The IM was from Alicia.

It’s Almost 1:00pm. Don’t forget your task. I don’t plan on reminding you all afternoon.

Kristy tilted the phone towards Sean so he could see what was written as she looked around the grassy area. Sure enough, Alicia was in sight not too far off and waived her hand in Kristy’s direction. Taking a hint, Kristy got up.

- I should go, she said. Need to get ready for my classes anyways.
- Ok, see you later, Sean said.

Kristy returned to the washroom for the second time in an hour to take care of her task. Afterwards, she walked back to her locker, taking care to pull at her pants a bit so that they rid a bit lower and lessened their contact with her engorged pussy. Grabbing her books, she went to wait in front of her third period class until her teacher opened the door. It didn’t take long until she heard a familiar voice coming her way.

- Bonjour mademoiselle. Vous êtes bien d’avance aujourd’hui. (Hello young lady. You are quite early today). It was her French teacher.
- Oh, bonjour monsieur Lafrance. Oui, je sais. Je n’avais plus rien à faire alors j’ai décidé d’arriver plus tôt. (Oh, hi mister Lafrance. Yes, I know. I had nothing left to do so I decided to get here earlier), she lied.
- Après vous. (After you), he said gesturing Kristy inside the classroom.

As soon as Kristy went through the door opening, her heart sank. ‘Shit’, she thought, ‘my seat is smack dab in the middle of the room. How the heck am I supposed to apply my gel here?’. Kristy took her seat and waited for everyone to come in. Eventually, the bell rang and her teacher started his class. At the beginning, they were all taking notes on a grammar point, however, about five minutes before one thirty, her teacher handed out worksheets so his students could integrate the notion they’d just learned. ‘Good’, Kristy thought ‘everyone will be concentrated on what they have to do’. Once everyone had received their sheets Kristy put her right hand in her pocket, closing it around the little tube. She took a quick glance around her ‘everyone seems to be concentrated on their work’ she noticed. But she couldn’t be sure. It wasn’t possible for her to turn completely to see if the people behind her were hard at work. French class wasn’t a very appreciated one and it didn’t take much for the other students to abandon their work to pursue other activities. Kristy didn’t know what to do. She knew that she would be punished if she failed to apply the gel, but didn’t know what the punishment would consist of. Of course, by trying to avoid punishment, she could get caught in class, which might be even worse than what Alicia had in store for her. She didn’t have much time to make up her mind though; time was ticking away.

Just as though to remind her of her predicament, her phone started buzzing away in her pants. She didn’t even need to look at it to know it was from Alicia, who was probably trying to taunt her. With only a minute left before her task needed to be completed, Kristy needed to make up her mind and fast.

Your choice:
- Should Kristy take the risk of applying the gel in class and maybe get caught by one of her classmates?
- Or should she skip the application and find out later what Alicia has in store for her failure?
Quirky, fun & happy 32/F/bicurious/sub

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My stories: Kristy's New School (completed), The Dungeon of Dark Desires (in progress)

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